and now, you will be judged and tried in front of the entire coven. inizia ad imparare
summon to appear on court inizia ad imparare
wezwać do stawienia się w sądzie
The family decided to sue the police for failing to handle their case properly. inizia ad imparare
Rodzina zdecydowała się pozwać policję, gdyż nie zajęła się ich sprawą odpowiednio.
He took possession of Principal Hawthorne and threatened me. inizia ad imparare
Can you imagine how enraged he must be? inizia ad imparare
I don't want to step foot in the Academy of Unseen Arts, inizia ad imparare
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Witch law is the complete opposite. Guilty until proven innocent. inizia ad imparare
strip somebody of something We have been stripped of our powers. inizia ad imparare
The apple fell from the tree and rotted on the ground. inizia ad imparare
Jabłko spadło z drzewa i zgniło na ziemi.
Which means that we will age and rot, rapidly, until a verdict is reached. inizia ad imparare
Have you ever heard of a man named Daniel Webster? inizia ad imparare
The teenage girls spread a rumour that their classmate was in a religious cult. inizia ad imparare
Nastolatki rozpuściły plotkę, że ich koleżanka z klasy należy do sekty religijnej.
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I don't relish it, but that is one of my duties as High Priest, yes. inizia ad imparare
cieszyć się z znajdować w czymś przyjemność delektować się
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Couldn't we settle this between ourselves? inizia ad imparare
without the embarrassing spectacle of a public trial? inizia ad imparare
have her admit her wrongdoing and beg for forgiveness, immediately. inizia ad imparare
wykroczenie, naganne postępowanie
But he'll require total submission from the girl. inizia ad imparare
zgłoszenie, posłuszeństwo
Already, I see the ravages of age upon you. inizia ad imparare
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I can't risk leaving her fate in lesser hands. inizia ad imparare
mniej doświadczony, maluczki
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