S2 English Terms

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1. Figurative language
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Language that uses figures of speech or expressions to convey meaning beyond the literal interpretation.
2. Simile
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A figure of speech that directly compares two things using "like" or "as" to create a vivid image or emphasize a similarity.
3. Metaphor
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A figure of speech that compares two unrelated things by stating that one thing is another, highlighting a similarity or relationship between them.
4. Anecdote
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A short, personal story or account that is often used to illustrate a point or entertain an audience.
5. Connotation
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The emotional or cultural associations that a word carries, beyond its literal definition.
6. Denotation
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The literal or dictionary definition of a word, devoid of any emotional or cultural connotations.
7. Tone
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The attitude or perspective conveyed by a writer or speaker in a literary work or conversation.
8. Ethos
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An appeal to ethics or credibility, focusing on the trustworthiness, credibility, and expertise of the speaker or writer.
9. Pathos
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An appeal to emotions, aiming to evoke specific feelings or emotions in the audience to support or persuade an argument.
10. Logos
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An appeal to logic and reason, using facts, evidence, and logical reasoning to support an argument or position.
11. Tension
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A state of heightened anticipation or uncertainty in a literary work, often resulting from conflicting desires, opinions, or situations.
12. Reliable source
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A source of information that can be trusted for its accuracy, credibility, and adherence to proper research and reporting standards.
13. Unreliable source
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A source of information that lacks credibility, accuracy, or adherence to proper research and reporting standards, making it less trustworthy or dependable.
14. Bias
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A tendency or inclination to favor or support a particular perspective, idea, or group, often resulting in a lack of objectivity.
15. Aside
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A dramatic device in which a character speaks directly to the audience or to another character on stage, revealing their thoughts or providing additional information.
16. Monologue
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A long, uninterrupted speech delivered by one character in a play, film, or other performance medium.
17. Soliloquy
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A dramatic device in which a character speaks their thoughts aloud, typically when alone on stage, revealing their innermost feelings and emotions to the audience.

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