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Domanda Risposta
mieszkam w domu
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I live at home
mam młodszego brata
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I have a younger brother
mama jest krawcową a tata górnikiem
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mom is a dressmaker and dad is a miner
myślę, że jest to okazja do poznania czegoś nowego
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I think that this is an opportunity to learn something new
nigdy nie bylam w Anglii
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I have never been to England
bylam pare razy za granica
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I have been abroad a few times
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dawno temu
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long ago
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nazywam sie Edyta. Mam 19lat. Mieszkam w Skrzyszowie, mam młodszego brata Kacpra. Interesuję się podróżami.
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My name is Edyta. I'm 19. I live in Skrzyszów, I have a younger brother Kacper. I'm interested in travel.

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