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really tired
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height (geographic)
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someone famous
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they never set down
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plenty sth
congestion charge
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entrance fee to the city
delayed sailing
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late sailing ship
engineering work
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construction work
fogbound runway
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runway with fog
lane closure
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traffic lane without movement
lost baggage
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luggage without an owner
low tide
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as the seas lower their level
platform alteration
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message about the change of the train arrival place
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flat tyre
rough weather
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difficult weather conditions
signalling problems
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traffic light problems
(long) tailback
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long traffic jam
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air-filled bag to protect during an accident
anti-lock brakes
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system to prevent wheel lock during braking
one-way street
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road with only one-way traffic
seat belt
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safety belts
speed cameras
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speed limit
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the fastest possible speed
traction control
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prevents the wheels from slipping during rapid acceleration
traffic signals
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traffic light
air pollution
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no clean air
automated system
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selfoperating system
carbon emissions
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carbon release into the air
construction company
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company engaged in building
distant future
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time that will come too long
human error
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people's mistake
inflatable slide
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slide to help escape from the plane
preliminary findings
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early results
initial assumptions
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first thoughts about something
significant contribution
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when you make much in research
significant impact
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when your actions have big influence on something
space elevator
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elevator going to space
technological advances
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progress in technology
traffic congestion
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more cars on the streets
traffic jam
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transport infrastructure
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the framework that supports transport system
transport system
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road and transport system

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