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1 Which sport isn't played with a racket: darts, cricket or badminton? w który sport nie gra się rakietami dart krykiet czy badminton? inizia ad imparare
on racket is not played with darts Rakietami nie gra się w darta
2 Who competes in a tennis match: a referee, a spectator or an opponent? kto uczestniczy w meczu tenisa sędzia obserwator czy przeciwnik inizia ad imparare
the opponent is playing in a tennis match Przeciwnik gra w meczu tenisa
3 Where do rugby players train and play, on a court, on a pitch or in a ring? gdzie trenuja i grają gracze rugby na korcie boisku czy w ringu? inizia ad imparare
rugby players play on a pich gracze rugby grają na boisku
Which sport requires players to have physical contact with each other: bowling, boxing or wrestling? w jakim sporcie zawodnicy mają kontakt fizyczny bowling boks czy zapasy? inizia ad imparare
boxing and wrestling have physical contact w boksie i zapasach mają fizyczny kontakt
Which item is worn by competitive swimmers: goggles, trainers or pads? który przedmiot zakładają pływacze gogle inizia ad imparare
competitive swimmers wear googles pływacy zapadają gogle
1 Alice is under a lot of stress at work, so she ... yoga twice a week to help her relax. inizia ad imparare
2 Did you see the winning goal Johnson ... in the semi-final? inizia ad imparare
3 Tom was feeling out of shape, so he ... up rollerblading to get fit. inizia ad imparare
4 I wonder how difficult it would be to learn how to ... bridge. inizia ad imparare
5 When Nina lived at home, she ... sailing with her family most weekends. inizia ad imparare
6 I don't have the slightest chance of winning, but I want to ... the competition anyway. inizia ad imparare
1 The ski ... I recently bought is both light and warm - it's perfect for the slopes. arts dive holder jump kit suit throw inizia ad imparare
2 I keep my football ... in this sports bag as it's big enough to hold everything. arts dive holder jump kit suit throw inizia ad imparare
3 Do you know who won the men's hammer ... event at the last Olympic Games? arts dive holder jump kit suit throw inizia ad imparare
4 My local youth club is offering martial ... classes and I'm thinking of enrolling. arts dive holder jump kit suit throw inizia ad imparare
5 In a shock result, the cup ... was defeated in the first match of the new season. arts dive holder jump kit suit throw inizia ad imparare
1 If you had listened to me, you ... (not/ injure / you) on the track. inizia ad imparare
would not injuree yourself
2 Unfortunately, my football team is ... (less / successful) all those in the league. inizia ad imparare
3 Maria is tired because ... (she / cycle) for two hours. inizia ad imparare
4 The coach ... (rather / not / train / we) in the evening. inizia ad imparare
would rather not train us
5 If you ... (forget / bring/you) football boots, you won't be able to play in the match tomorrow. inizia ad imparare