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The country is in a state of political turmoil. inizia ad imparare
The country is in a state of political turmoil.
The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling. inizia ad imparare
The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling.
There was turmoil at the station when the signalling system broke down. inizia ad imparare
There was turmoil at the station when the signalling system broke down.
Turmoil is a state of disturbance, agitation, confusion, uncertainty, or disorder. inizia ad imparare
Turmoil is a state of disturbance, agitation, confusion, uncertainty, or disorder.
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We look after Rose’s doggy while she’s away. inizia ad imparare
We look after Rose’s doggy while she’s away.
We look after the neighbours' cat while they're away. inizia ad imparare
We look after the neighbours' cat while they're away.
Diana, If you look after your clothes they last a lot longer. inizia ad imparare
Diana, If you look after your clothes they last a lot longer.
Don't worry about Mia - she can look after herself. inizia ad imparare
Don't worry about Mia - she can look after herself.
Introspection. Introspection. Intro - spection. Intro - spection. inizia ad imparare
Introspection. Introspection. Intro - spection. Intro - spection.
Introspection is the same as Reflection. inizia ad imparare
Introspection is the same as Reflection.
Canelo’s defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection. inizia ad imparare
Canelo’s defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
Mike Tyson’s defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection. inizia ad imparare
Mike Tyson’s defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
Introspection is an important part of psychotherapy. inizia ad imparare
Introspection is an important part of psychotherapy.
Introspection is the same as Reflection and an examination of and attention to your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings. inizia ad imparare
Introspection is the same as Reflection and an examination of and attention to your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
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The teacher said that a hull is the lower part of a ship. inizia ad imparare
The teacher said that a hull is the lower part of a ship.
The Titanic ran into the rocks and the impact broke the hull. inizia ad imparare
The Titanic ran into the rocks and the impact broke the hull.
The vessel ran into the rocks and the impact broke the hull. inizia ad imparare
The vessel ran into the rocks and the impact broke the hull.
The ship ran into the rocks and the impact broke the hull. inizia ad imparare
The ship ran into the rocks and the impact broke the hull.
Prosper. prosper means, to thrive. inizia ad imparare
Prosper. prosper means, to thrive.
Trump family business thrived or prospered thanks to everyone's hard work. inizia ad imparare
Trump family business thrived or prospered thanks to everyone's hard work.
Jessica prospered from a startup she began in 2003. inizia ad imparare
Jessica prospered from a startup she began in 2003.
Musk family business thrived or prospered thanks to everyone's hard work. inizia ad imparare
Musk family business thrived or prospered thanks to everyone's hard work.
prosper, means to thrive. inizia ad imparare
prosper, means to thrive.
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The Russian and German armies clashed at the Battle of Berlin. inizia ad imparare
The Russian and German armies clashed at the Battle of Berlin.
Three soldiers were killed on Tuesday when security forces clashed with separatists. inizia ad imparare
Three soldiers were killed on Tuesday when security forces clashed with separatists.
Students clashed with police after demonstrations at five universities. inizia ad imparare
Students clashed with police after demonstrations at five universities.
The government and the opposition parties have clashed over the cuts in defence spending. inizia ad imparare
The government and the opposition parties have clashed over the cuts in defence spending.
To clash means, to fight or argue. inizia ad imparare
To clash means, to fight or argue.
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Even in modern times, there are separatists in our state. inizia ad imparare
Even in modern times, there are separatists in our state.
Three soldiers were killed on Tuesday when security forces clashed with separatists. inizia ad imparare
Three soldiers were killed on Tuesday when security forces clashed with separatists.
The separatist movement is growing in the war-torn country. inizia ad imparare
The separatist movement is growing in the war-torn country.
A separatist is someone who is a member of a particular race, religion, or other group within a country and who believes that this group should be independent and have their own government or in some way live apart from other people. inizia ad imparare
A separatist is someone who is a member of a particular race, religion, or other group within a country and who believes that this group should be independent and have their own government or in some way live apart from other people.
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I love watching the seagulls at the beach. inizia ad imparare
I love watching the seagulls at the beach.
My little girl loves chasing seagulls at the lake. inizia ad imparare
My little girl loves chasing seagulls at the lake.
My little baby loves chasing seagulls at the beach. inizia ad imparare
My little baby loves chasing seagulls at the beach.
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Evelyn was seasick on the boat. inizia ad imparare
Evelyn was seasick on the boat.
The waves made Robinson Crusoe seasick. inizia ad imparare
The waves made Robinson Crusoe seasick.
I prefer to travel by plane as I usually feel seasick on the ferry. inizia ad imparare
I prefer to travel by plane as I usually feel seasick on the ferry.
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Diego never doubted the solidity of his relationship with Amanda. inizia ad imparare
Diego never doubted the solidity of his relationship with Amanda
The solidity of the coconut oil made it difficult to mix in the cake batter. inizia ad imparare
The solidity of the coconut oil made it difficult to mix in the cake batter.
The agreement would give a new solidity to military cooperation between the two countries. inizia ad imparare
The agreement would give a new solidity to military cooperation between the two countries.
Solidity is the quality of being certain or strong. inizia ad imparare
Solidity is the quality of being certain or strong.
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The cat overturned the bowl. inizia ad imparare
The cat overturned the bowl.
The dog overturned the red bowl. inizia ad imparare
The dog overturned the red bowl.
The storm overturned the boat and two fishermen drowned. inizia ad imparare
The storm overturned the boat and two fishermen drowned.
The truck went off the road and overturned several times. inizia ad imparare
The truck went off the road and overturned several times.
mutiny. mutiny. mu - ti - ny. inizia ad imparare
mutiny. mutiny. mu - ti - ny.
Conditions on the ship were often very bad, and crews were on the point of mutiny. inizia ad imparare
Conditions on the ship were often very bad, and crews were on the point of mutiny.
Soldiers crushed mutinies in three jails. inizia ad imparare
Soldiers crushed mutinies in three jails.
The mutiny was led by the ship's cook. inizia ad imparare
The mutiny was led by the ship's cook.
The sailors staged a mutiny and took control of the ship. inizia ad imparare
The sailors staged a mutiny and took control of the ship.
mutiny, is an occasion when a group of people, especially soldiers or sailors, refuses to obey orders and/or attempts to take control from people in authority. inizia ad imparare
mutiny, is an occasion when a group of people, especially soldiers or sailors, refuses to obey orders and/or attempts to take control from people in authority.
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Ibanka said, I love to travel in a canoe. inizia ad imparare
Ibanka said, I love to travel in a canoe.
Veronica said, I really love to travel in a canoe. inizia ad imparare
Veronica said, I really love to travel in a canoe.
Mom said, I always like to travel in a canoe. inizia ad imparare
Mom said, I always like to travel in a canoe.
takes after. takes after. takes after. inizia ad imparare
takes after. takes after. takes after.
Many people say that Maria takes after her grandmother. inizia ad imparare
Many people say that Maria takes after her grandmother.
Salma really takes after his father. inizia ad imparare
Salma really takes after his father.
Donal Trump takes after his father's side of the family. inizia ad imparare
Donal Trump takes after his father's side of the family.
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The vet is rather gloomy about my cat's chances of recovery. inizia ad imparare
The vet is rather gloomy about my cat's chances of recovery.
The doctor had a gloomy expression on his face. inizia ad imparare
The doctor had a gloomy expression on his face.
The cemetery is a gloomy place. inizia ad imparare
The cemetery is a gloomy place.
To be gloomy is to be unhappy and without hope. inizia ad imparare
To be gloomy is to be unhappy and without hope.
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I must dash - If I want to catch the bus at seven. inizia ad imparare
I must dash - If I want to catch the bus at seven.
The dog ran off, and she dashed after him. inizia ad imparare
The dog ran off, and she dashed after him.
I've been dashing around all day. inizia ad imparare
I've been dashing around all day.
I must dash - I've got to be home by seven. inizia ad imparare
I must dash - I've got to be home by seven.
To dash, means to run somewhere quickly. inizia ad imparare
To dash, means to run somewhere quickly.
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The tsunami dashed the ship against the rocks. inizia ad imparare
The tsunami dashed the ship against the rocks.
Waves dashed against the cliffs. inizia ad imparare
Waves dashed against the cliffs.
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Janet dashed the plate against the wall. inizia ad imparare
Janet dashed the plate against the wall.
To dash means, to hit something with great force, especially causing damage. inizia ad imparare
To dash means, to hit something with great force, especially causing damage.
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Monica cleared the cobweb from the corner with a broom. inizia ad imparare
Monica cleared the cobweb from the corner with a broom.
Cobwebs hung in every corner of the abandoned house. inizia ad imparare
Cobwebs hung in every corner of the abandoned house.
The windows are cracked and covered in cobwebs. inizia ad imparare
The windows are cracked and covered in cobwebs.
A cobweb is the net which a spider makes for catching insects. inizia ad imparare
A cobweb is the net which a spider makes for catching insects.
Cobweb is an old, dusty spider's web. inizia ad imparare
Cobweb is an old, dusty spider's web.
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Emilio Ascarraga was over the moon about the ratings. inizia ad imparare
Emilio Ascarraga was over the moon about the ratings.
If we win any of these games, the whole country will be over the moon. inizia ad imparare
If we win any of these games, the whole country will be over the moon.
Lisa was over the moon to learn that she was going to be a grandmother. inizia ad imparare
Lisa was over the moon to learn that she was going to be a grandmother.
over the moon means, to be extremely happy; ecstatic. inizia ad imparare
over the moon means, to be extremely happy; ecstatic.
light-hearted. light-hearted. light-hearted. inizia ad imparare
light-hearted. light-hearted. light-hearted.
Someone who is light-hearted is cheerful and happy. inizia ad imparare
Someone who is light-hearted is cheerful and happy.
They were light-hearted and prepared to enjoy life. inizia ad imparare
They were light-hearted and prepared to enjoy life.
So why are you in such a light-hearted mood today?. inizia ad imparare
So why are you in such a light-hearted mood today?.
They can be lighthearted in the midst of misery. inizia ad imparare
They can be lighthearted in the midst of misery.
Something that is light-hearted is intended to be entertaining or amusing, and not at all serious. inizia ad imparare
Something that is light-hearted is intended to be entertaining or amusing, and not at all serious.
There have been many attempts, both light-hearted and serious, to locate the Loch Ness Monster. inizia ad imparare
There have been many attempts, both light-hearted and serious, to locate the Loch Ness Monster.
Introspection. Introspection. Intro - spection. Intro - spection. inizia ad imparare
Introspection. Introspection. Intro - spection. Intro - spection.
Introspection is the same as Reflection. inizia ad imparare
Introspection is the same as Reflection.
Canelo’s defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection. inizia ad imparare
Canelo’s defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
Ronda Rause’s defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection. inizia ad imparare
Ronda Rause’s defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
Mike Tyson’s defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection. inizia ad imparare
Mike Tyson’s defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
Introspection is an important part of psychotherapy. inizia ad imparare
Introspection is an important part of psychotherapy.
Introspection is the same as Reflection and an examination of and attention to your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings. inizia ad imparare
Introspection is the same as Reflection and an examination of and attention to your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
Turmoil. Turmoil. Turm - oil. Turm - oil. Turmoil. Turmoil. inizia ad imparare
Turmoil. Turmoil. Turm - oil. Turm - oil. Turmoil. Turmoil.
The whole region is in turmoil. inizia ad imparare
The whole region is in turmoil.
The country is in a state of political turmoil. inizia ad imparare
The country is in a state of political turmoil.
The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling. inizia ad imparare
The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling.
There was turmoil at the station when the signalling system broke down. inizia ad imparare
There was turmoil at the station when the signalling system broke down.
Turmoil is a state of disturbance, agitation, confusion, uncertainty, or disorder. inizia ad imparare
Turmoil is a state of disturbance, agitation, confusion, uncertainty, or disorder.
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The man was whirling his hat nervously in his hands. inizia ad imparare
The man was whirling his hat nervously in his hands
The wheels of the bicycle whirled faster and faster as Dano sped down the hill. inizia ad imparare
The wheels of the bicycle whirled faster and faster as Dano sped down the hill.
I've never danced salsa before but I'll give it a whirl... TO GIVE something A WHIRL. inizia ad imparare
to give something a whirl MEANS to attempt to do something, often for the first time I've never danced salsa before but I'll give it a whirl.