revision 19.06 ani-a159

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to suspect
I suspected that my neighbour peeped at the young girl in the neighbourhood.
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This morning we had a breakthrough in cooperation with our new supplier.
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Our company’s turnover this year is bigger than last year.
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to assign a task
Before my holiday I assign tasks to my team for the next few weeks.
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przypisać zadanie
up to date
I am always up to date with the current situation on the market.
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aktualny, na czasie, na bieżąco
to refuse
I refused palinka.
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Usually after holidays I have a lot of backlog.
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zaległości w pracy
I would like to start cooperating with you next month.
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Chciałbym rozpocząć współpracę z Państwem w przyszłym miesiącu.

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