Review Game pt. 1

 0    16 schede    rmcclenaghan16
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Domanda Risposta
Did you learn anything interesting today at school?
Yes, I learned something interesting. / No, I didn't learn anything interesting.
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Czy nauczyłeś się dziś w szkole czegoś interesującego?
What is your favourite sport?
My favourite sport is dancing.
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Jaki jest Twój ulubiony sport?
How old are you?
I am 10 years old.
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Ile pan(i) ma lat?
When do you feel tired?
I feel tired when I swim./ I feel tired when I go to sleep.
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Kiedy czujesz się zmęczony?
Where is the sea?
The sea is... next to Poland / in the north / between Poland and Sweden.
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Gdzie jest morze?
Do you have a brother or sister?
I have a brother.
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Masz brata lub siostrę?
Do you like the summer?
Yes, the summer is the best.
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Lubisz lato?
What animals live in the forest?
Wild animals / foxes, bunnies and squirrels live in the forest.
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Jakie zwierzęta żyją w lesie?
What are you wearing?
I am wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt.
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Co masz na sobie?
What sport do you not like?
I don't like volleyball because I don't think it's fun.
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Jakiego sportu nie lubisz?
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to type on a computer
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pisać na komputerze
to yell
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loud / quiet
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głośno / cicho
early / late
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wcześnie / późno
during the week
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w tygodniu

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