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could I have the bill, please
czy mógłbym prosić o więcej chleba inizia ad imparare
could I have some more bread, please
czy moglibyśmy prosić o dodatkowe krzesło inizia ad imparare
could we have an extra chair, please
czy moglibyśmy mieć tam stolik, proszę inizia ad imparare
could we have a table over there, please
czy macie posiłek dla dzieci inizia ad imparare
do you have children meal
Mam zarezerwowany stolik na sześć osób inizia ad imparare
I have a table booked for six
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I ordered over done steak
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which wine would you recommend?
Poproszę filiżankę herbaty inizia ad imparare
I’ll have a cup of tea, please
czy mógłbym poprosić o menu? inizia ad imparare
could I see the menu, please?
czy mógłbym dostać frytki zamiast ziemniaków, proszę inizia ad imparare
could I have chips instead of potatoes, please
na początek zupa, a jako danie główne pieczeń wołowa inizia ad imparare
for starters we’ll have the soup and for the main course we’d like roast beff
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Chciałbym zarezerwować stolik na 20:00 inizia ad imparare
I’d like to reserve book a table for at 8 pm, please
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czego Państwo sobie życzą? inizia ad imparare
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czy mógłbyś wliczyć napiwek do rachunku? inizia ad imparare
Could you include the tip in the bill?