Resource book 2B

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give myself up
It was too tough for me that's why I gave myself up
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podać się
let sb off
The police let me off with warning
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puścić kogoś wolno
get away with it
You will never get away with it
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ujść na sucho
get over
Im still getting over after flu
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dość do siebie
brake out of sth
The prisoner broke out of jail.
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uwolnić z czegoś
catch me out
Don't catch me out, I'm not in the mood
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podpuszczać kogoś
behind bars
I've spent some time behind bars for robbery
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za kratkami
charged with
She was charged with conspiracy
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oskarżony o
sentence to
He is sentence to a few months in prison.
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skazać na
arrested for
Her brother was arrested for assault
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aresztowany za
serve a term in jail
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odbyć karę w więzieniu
be in trouble with the law
He was often in trouble with the low
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mieć kłopoty z prawem
commit a robbery
I commited a robbery twice!
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popełnić napad
boost ability
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pobudzać zdolności
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object of memory
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obiekt pamięci

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