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 0    13 schede    michalklimek4
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I will definitely be there
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she assured me that she would be there
I will help you
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she offered to help her
why don't you use a calculator?
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she suggested using a calculator
I will bring it tomorrow
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she promised to bring it the next day
Of course, it's right
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She convinced me that it was right
I will do it
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she promised him that he would do it
well done, you have won
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he congratulated her on wining
The fire was your fault
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They blamed Alan for the fire / they blamed the fire on Adam
remember we start at 3.00
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he reminded me that we started
It's too expensive
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she complained that it was too expensive
I won't sit down
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she refused to sit down
Ok, I will pay you
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He agreed to pay him
I didn't didn't break a jar
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He denied to break a jar

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