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Domanda Risposta
zdecydowana większość zdecydowała, że
nearly 100%
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the overwhelming majority decided that
Większość wydanych opinii dotyczyła...
nearly 100%
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The majority of opinions given concentrated on...
Większość pracowników narzekała...
A large majority
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Most members of staff complained about...
było dużo wsparcia
A large majority
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there was a lot of support
Zdumiewające / oszałamiające 64% było przeciw
A substantial majority
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A staggering/stunning 64% were against
wierzył w to jeden pracownik na pięciu
large minority
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about one member of staff in five believed that
tylko niewielka ilość...
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only a small amount of...
Francja z całości, ale znacząca francja...
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A fraction of the total but a significant fraction...
Zaledwie 5% wie...
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A mere 5% know...
wydaje się, że ... / Wygląda na to, że...
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it seems that... /It seems to be...
Stwierdzono, że...
Not claim
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It was found that...
The survey...
What did you found out?
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The survey ... showed, indicated, revealed that...
comprehensive survey
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wide-ranging or thorough survey
what can you do with a questionaire?
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when you are a person that is questioned you can ANSWER/COMPLETE/FILL IN a questionnaire
However, if you are a person that CONSTRUCT it you may also DISTRIBUTE it
szczegółowy kwestionariusz
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detailed questionnaire

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