Regular cannabis use is now more accepted

 0    14 schede    frankherbert60
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Domanda English Risposta English
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someone's opinions or feelings about something, especially as shown by their behaviour
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someone who has not reached the age at which they are legally an adult
a record
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when something is more, better, worse, faster, etc. than ever before
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done or used for enjoyment
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growing or developing quickly
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a sign that something will happen, is true, or exists
picking up
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starting a new habit
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punishments for breaking rules or laws
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crimes or illegal activities for which there is a punishment
light up
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smoke, light a cigarette
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a tendency to dislike change
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not allowed by the law or social rules
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the process of sending someone to another person or place for help, information, or advice
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an official warning from the police to someone who has broken the law, stating that they will be punished if they do it again

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