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a serious promise, an oath
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to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective
podkopywać (kogoś)
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Unfair criticism can undermine employees’ self-confidence.
clearly and completely
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The point is to avoid outright confrontation.
to use information, experience, knowledge etc for a particular purpose
opierać się (na czymś), wykorzystywać (coś)
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draw on
Avoid trying to draw on sympathy...
prawa obywatelskie
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civil liberties
przestępczość młodocianych
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juvenile delinquency
napadanie, okradanie
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(formal) before
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prior to
(formal) to use a power, right, or quality that you have
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the quality of being very careful to avoid danger or risk
ostrożność, rozwaga
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to make a formal, usually public, promise that you will do something
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the amount of work that a person or organization has to do
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a story, especially one that is not true, that someone tells you in order to make you feel sorry for them
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sob story
to ask for something that you want very much, in a sincere and emotional way
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plead for
when sth always happens or is true
niezmiennie, zawsze
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if something is done „like that” or routine, it is the correct and usual thing to do in a particular situation
w sposób oczywisty
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a matter of course
Voters expected as a matter of course that candidates would not keep all their promises.
to not go to places or be careful not to do anything that will attract attention to yourself or your actions
trzymać w cieniu, nie dawać rozgłosu
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keep a low profile
a set of ideas or services that are suggested or offered all together as a group
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similar to something else in size, number, quality etc, so that you can make a comparison
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after an event in the past
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He subsequently arranged a meeting.
a difference between two amounts, details, reports etc that should be the same
niezgodność, rozbierzność
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if someone deals with a problem „like that”, they do not try to avoid it, but deal with it in a direct and determined way
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head on
The police are trying to tackle car crime head-on.
to refuse to listen to someone or their ideas, especially by ignoring them or saying something rude
spławienie kogoś
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someone or something that is so important or useful that it is impossible to manage without them
niezbędny, konieczny
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clearly expressed in a few words – use this to show approval
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to officially make a statement, give an order, warning etc
wydawać (oświadczenie)
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Silva issued a statement denying all knowledge of the affair.
an occasion when a company announces that its profit for a particular period of time will be less than expected
ostrzeżenie o niższych zyskach
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profits warning
an option to buy shares at a particular price, especially an option given to employees to buy shares in the company they work for
prawo wykupu akcji po określonej cenie
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share option
mysterious, exciting, or desirable
urzekający, ponętny, powabny
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to agree to do some work or be responsible for something
godzić się na coś
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take on
Don’t take on too much work- the extra cash isn’t worth it.
kind of wind which is unpleasantly cold
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to feel extremely hot and uncomfortable
zalewać się potem
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happy and active
radosny, beztroski
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You’re very chirpy this morning – have you had some good news?
to want something very much
bardzo pragnąć czegoś, tęsknić do czegoś
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long to
I long to reply...
to realize that you have been behaving badly and decide to stop
zdać sobie sprawę z własnych błędów
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see the error of your ways
I agree to have them stay, knowing, the error of my ways.
to drive someone in your car, especially when you do not want to
wozić kogoś, odwozić
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chauffeur around
I appreciate being chauffeured around my friend’s city.
do sth in a slow relaxed way, without hurrying
powolnie, spokojnie
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a very small mark, spot, or piece of something
odrobina, szczypta
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a speck of sth
especially American English people
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your folks (rodzice)
from a long distance away
z daleka, z oddali
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from afar
My parents, whom I love from afar,...
to climb or move slowly somewhere, using your hands and feet because it is difficult or steep
wdrapać, wgramolić się
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They clambered over the slippery rocks.
to move something or try to move it when it is large, heavy, or difficult to move
borykać się z czymś
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Ray continued to wrestle with the wheel.
to shine unsteadily or go on and off quickly
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The light on your answering machine is blinking.
the early morning hours, between about one and four o’clock
wczesne godziny poranne
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the small hours
He finally fell exhausted into bed in the small hours.
to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way rather than take the most direct way possible
wić się, błądzić
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Cows still meander through these villages.
1. having a lot of leaves 2. having a lot of trees and plants
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when someone walks across a road at a place where it is dangerous to cross
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someone who treats physical problems by pressing on and moving the bones in someone’s back and joints
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to have an extremely strong desire for something
bardzo czegoś pragnąć, zabiegać o coś
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an insecure child who craves attention
friendly, welcoming and generous to visitors
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grateful for sth
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appreciative of sth
not easily noted
nie rzucający się w oczy, niezwracający na siebie uwagi
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if sth, especially bad or unpleseant “do it”, it happens again
powracać, przewijać się, powtarzać się
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There is a danger that the disease may recur.
when a bad situation is reduced or stops for a time
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to use sth for a particular purpose, especially ideas, arguments, etc.
wdrożyć, zastosować
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a job in which a variety of professional skills will be deployed
(informal) to feel that you cannot continue sth that is difficult or boring
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can’t hack sth
I’ve been doing this job for years, but I just can’t hack it anymore.
severe, cruel, or unkind
brutalny, surowy
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harsh truth
to be planned to happen in the future
być w planach, być planowanym
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be projected
amount of food, money etc that is too small and is much less than you need
ubogi, skromny, niewielki
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He supplements his meager income by working on Saturdays
in a particular area of activity
w dziedzinie (działalności gospodarczej, zatrudnienia, polityki, etc.)
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on the front
How are things on the work front at the moment?
to make you too ill or weak to live and work normally
obezwładnić, uczynić niepełnosprawnym
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Her mother has been incapacitated by a fall.
one of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck where the arm is connected
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a complaint about something
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Soon, the grumblings turned to open discontent.
something that you add to something else to improve it or make it complete
dodatek, suplement
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to imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way
wyobrażać sobie
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Many people can’t conceive of a dinner without meat or fish.
great respect and admiration for someone or something
cześć, szacunek
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someone’s general attitude, and the way in which they think about things and make decisions
nastawienie, sposób myślenia
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a lack of something that people want or need
niedobór, niedostatek
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a dearth of job opportunities
no reason, use etc at all
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no earthly reason
I see no earthly reason why he shouldn’t come.
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diagram, tabela, wykres
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an ancestor
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He actually spent a few months in the ancestral home.
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to naturally have a good feature or quality
być czymś obdarzonym
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be endowed with sth
She was endowed with good looks.
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a good example of something
dobry przykład
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a case in point
Supermarkets often charge too much for goods. Bananas are a case in point.
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zwyczajny, zwykły
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powstrzymywać, przeszkadzać, utrudniać
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She made no move either to help or hinder him.
a child who is unusually skilful at doing something such as playing a musical instrument
cudowne dziecko (geniusz)
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child prodigy
natarczywy, nachalny
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nieuważny, lekceważący
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used to emphasize that something is completely bad or untrue
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Jed’s downright lazy.
obciążenie robocze (ilość pracy do wykonania)
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strach, przerażenie
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to begin to like someone you have just met
polubić kogoś
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warm to
Bruce didn’t warm to him as he had to Casey.
sth that is attractive because it is simple and does not have too many decorations
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the understated elegance of the Hotel Traiano
to criticize someone or something, often unfairly and frequently
czepiać się, krytykować
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find fault with
He could always find fault with something, either in my writing or in my personality
(formal) relating to or caused by something
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nuclear power, with all its attendant risks
to suddenly experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, or to make someone or something do this
pogrążyć się w czymś
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plunge into
A strike would plunge the country into chaos.
using the most modern and recently developed methods, materials, or knowledge
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state-of-the-art technology
(old use) to enjoy something very much
rozkoszować się czymś, napawać się czymś
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revel in
He revelled in his new-found fame.
to keep a promise, or achieve or produce something that was promised
dotrzymać słowa
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deliver on
The company has not delivered on its promise to invest in training.
work that involves making new discoveries, using new methods etc
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groundbreaking research
to make something, especially something bad, increase or become stronger
podsycać, napędzać
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His words fuelled her anger still more.
the best or most important
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one of the country’s foremost authorities on chemical warfare
to make sure that people understand something by repeating it many times
wbić coś do głowy
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hammer home
The message must be hammered home that crime doesn’t pay.
showing no emotion when you speak
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‘Good evening gentlemen, ’ he said, in a dry voice.
(formal) to be related to something or to be very similar
sprzymierzony z
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allied with
Anthropology is closely allied to the field of psychology.
very strongly felt and sincere
szczery, serdeczny
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a heartfelt apology
the amount of time that someone or something lives
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The worms have a longevity of about two years.
to do something very well, or much better than most people
wyróżniać się czymś
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excel in
You want your children to excel in sports?
(informal) a film that tells the story of someone’s life
biografia filmowa
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to record information about a situation or set of events over a period of time, in order to see how it changes or develops
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Scientists have been charting temperature changes in the oceans.
(informal) to prevent a plan, business etc from being able to continue, especially by deciding not to give it any more money
uniemożliwiać realizację czegoś
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pull the plug on
The Swiss entrepreneur has pulled the plug on any further investment in the firm.
wanted by a lot of people but rare or difficult to get
pożądany, poszukiwany
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From being a much sought-after residential area, it has lost its fashionable air.
mądrze, rozważnie, z sensem
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(formal) to be important in making sth happen
odegrać wielką rolę w czymś
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be instrumental in (doing) sth
He was instrumental in developing links with European organizations.
(informal) someone who knows a lot about computers and electronic equipment
guru informatyczny, technik
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But what do techies know about business?
sharing in the knowledge of facts that are secret
wtajemniczony w coś
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privy to
Colby was privy to the committee’s decisions.
a group of people with experience or knowledge of a particular subject, who work to produce ideas and give advice
grupa ekspertów
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think tank
Such outright activism is not for every think tank.
someone, especially a student, who works for a short time in a particular job in order to gain experience
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The staff now includes 20 paid workers, plus interns.
to work very hard for a long period of time
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Men and women and children spent long hours toiling in the fields, whatever the weather conditions.
the amount of goods or work produced by a person, machine, factory etc
wyniki pracy
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Ford plans to increase its car output next year.
unpleseant event or situation, which is going to happen very soon
nieuchronnie zbliżający się, nadciągający
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She had a sense of impending disaster.
someone who is blamed for something bad that happens, even if it is not their fault
kozioł ofiarny
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She believed she had been made a scapegoat for what happened.
happening again or many times
powtarzający się, nawracający
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to bend low and move back because you are frightened
skulić się ze strachu
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They were covering in the cellars, trapped by the shelling.
to speak with difficulty because you cannot stop yourself from repeating the first consonant of some words
jąkać się
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‘I’m D-d-david, ’ he stuttered.
(formal) lack of skill
nieumiejętność, niekompetencja
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the ineptitude of the people in charge
annoyed or disappointed, especially because things have not happened in the way that you wanted
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It was the second pay cut in two years, and employees were becoming disgruntled.
to claim that something is caused by a particular person, situation etc
przypisywać (coś czemuś)
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ascribe to
The report ascribes the rise in childhood asthma to the increase in pollution
feeling worried and lacking confidence because of the situation you are in or the people you are with
onieśmielony, przestraszony
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I was shy, and felt intimidated by the older students.
to show or tell people about a new product or plan for the first time
odkrywać, odsłanić, wyjawiać
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The club has unveiled plans to build a new stadium.
to cause a lot of damage or harm
siać niszczenie
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wreak havoc
Floods have wreaked havoc in central Europe.
to make something necessary
dawać podstawy do, zasługiwać
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None of her crimes is serious enough to warrant punishment.
uzasadniony/ gwarantowany
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to deliberately try to cause arguments or bad feelings between people
powodować, prowokować, podsycać
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stir up
John was always stirring up trouble in class.
mocny napar winy
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potent brew of blame
changing from one quality, feeling etc to another
na zmianę
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by turns
By turns, a 14 year old is affectionate then aggressive, silent then outspoken.
męczyć się
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niezmordowany, niestrudzony
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doskonały, znakomity, wspaniały
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perfekcja, doskonałość
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przedsiębiorca, wykonawca
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kontraktowy, wynikający z umowy
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kontrakt, umowa
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rejestracja, zgłoszenie, wpis
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zarejestrowany, zameldowany
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rejestr, lista
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list motywacyjny, aplikacyjny
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cover letter
ubezpieczenie, polisa, zabezpieczenie
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darczyńca, ofiarodawca
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speak very fast
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someone who is lazy
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to suddenly become very angry
wpaść w furię
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to see red
someone who is very rude
szorstki, zgryźliwy, opryskliwy
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pretend the situation is not serious
grać dobrą minę do złej gry
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put a brave face on it
enjoy being sad and not wanting to get better
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wallow in

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