Reading the food label - 10.10.2022

 0    18 schede    sandrakrupa4
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Domanda English Risposta English
(something) provides information
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something gives information
make decisions about (something)
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decide about something
at the top
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at the upper part of something
in the package
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inside the box
eight servings
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amount of food for eight people
the serving size
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how much is served to one person
this item
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this object, product
pay attention to (something)
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watch something carefully
below (something)
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lower than something
you may consume (something)
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you can eat something
(be) listed on the label
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be written out on the label
different amounts of calories
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different quantities of calories
choose what is right
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choose the things that are good
key nutrients
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the most important infredients of food
lead to negative health effects
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cause health problems
help you determine if
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help you decide if
a high or low source of (something)
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a product that provides a lot or a little of something
recommended amount of (something)
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the amount of something you should eat to be healthy

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