Raimond 14th Dec (45 min)

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Domanda Risposta
Ona czyta codziennie.
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She reads every day.
Ona teraz czyta.
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She is reading now.
Ona nie pojechała do Wilna w zeszłym tygodniu.
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She didn't go to Vilnius last week.
Ona nie chce tego sprzedać.
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She doesn't want to sell it.
to nie jest wliczone
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it's not included
to kosztowało fortunę
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it cost a fortune
wydawać pieniądze na coś
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to spend money ON sth
Wydała fortunę na swój nowy samochód.
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She spent a fortune ON her new car.
Ile (pieniędzy) wydałeś na to?
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How much (money) DID you spend on this?
Zaręczyliśmy się w 2020 roku.
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We got engaged in 2020.
Wzięliśmy ślub w 2021 roku.
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We got married in 2021.
pokazać coś komuś
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to show sth to sb - showed - shown
Ewa POKAZAŁA mi ten pierścionek wiele lat temu.
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Ewa SHOWED this ring TO me many years ago.
Show it to me.
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Pokaż to mi.
kupić coś za kogoś
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to buy sth FOR sb
I bought a ring for my wife.
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an exception
stały / permanentny
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the Present Simple
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the Present Continuous
On postanowił zacząć w marcu.
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He decided TO start in March.
Puk! Puk!
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Knock! Knock!
Wczoraj nie było pogody dlatego zostałam w domu.
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I was under the weather yesterday that's why I stayed at home.
that's why

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