Question tags

 0    51 schede    dagmarakorusiewicz
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Domanda English Risposta English
Ann is sad, ___?
inizia ad imparare
isn’t she
That is the answer, ___?
inizia ad imparare
isn’t it
Your brother can tell us that, ........?
inizia ad imparare
can't he
They don’t need much water, ........?
inizia ad imparare
do they
Remember to call me, ........?
inizia ad imparare
will you
Tryb rozkazujący
He left early, ........?
inizia ad imparare
didn't he
There are six more lessons this year, ........?
inizia ad imparare
aren't they
It didn’t rain all week, ........?
inizia ad imparare
did it
Margaret likes brown bread, ........?
inizia ad imparare
doesn't she
You have done it, ........?
inizia ad imparare
haven't you
Ann won’t be here tomorrow, ........?
inizia ad imparare
will she
She wasn’t at the meeting yesterday, ........?
inizia ad imparare
was she
Mary can’t type, ........?
inizia ad imparare
can she
Do it for me, ........?
inizia ad imparare
will you
Tryb rozkazujący
Let’s go out for dinner, ........?
inizia ad imparare
shall we
I am quick, ........?
inizia ad imparare
are not I
He has got a huge house, ........?
inizia ad imparare
hasn't he
Paul will come to my party, ........?
inizia ad imparare
won't he
Let’s go to the cinema, ___?
inizia ad imparare
shall we
zaczyna się od Let’s...
Let’s order a pizza, ____?
inizia ad imparare
shall we
zaczyna się od Let’s...
I am late, ____?
inizia ad imparare
are not I
jest twierdzące i zaczyna się od I am...
I am too short to be a basketball player, ___?
inizia ad imparare
are not I
jest twierdzące i zaczyna się od I am...
Open the window, ___?
inizia ad imparare
will you
jest w trybie rozkazującym
Don’t turn off the tv, ___?
inizia ad imparare
will you
jest w trybie rozkazującym
You never play tennis on Saturdays, ___?
inizia ad imparare
do you
jest twierdzące, ale zawiera jeden z “negatywnych” wyrazów takich jak: never, hardly ever, rarely, barely itp. – w tej sytuacji question tag musi być twierdzący!
You barely knew your father, ___?
inizia ad imparare
did you
jest twierdzące, ale zawiera jeden z “negatywnych” wyrazów takich jak: never, hardly ever, rarely, barely itp. – w tej sytuacji question tag musi być twierdzący!
Nobody could solve this problem, ___?
inizia ad imparare
could they
ma w podmiocie somebody/nobody/everybody – wtedy należy użyć zaimka they (Uwaga! Zdanie z nobody traktujemy jak przeczące!)
Somebody cleaned the mess, ___?
inizia ad imparare
didn’t they
ma w podmiocie somebody/nobody/everybody – wtedy należy użyć zaimka they (Uwaga! Zdanie z nobody traktujemy jak przeczące!)
This snake isn’t poisonous, ____?
inizia ad imparare
is it
The children aren’t at school, ____?
inizia ad imparare
are they
Amanda should stay at home, ____?
inizia ad imparare
shouldn’t she
It was very hot last summer, ____?
inizia ad imparare
wasn’t it
She must go now, ____?
inizia ad imparare
mustn’t she
Ciekawym przypadkiem jest czasownik modalny must (musieć), który może wyrażać dwie różne rzeczy: przymus lub przypuszczenie/pewność. W tym pierwszym przypadku question tag tworzymy zgodnie z regułą:
They mustn’t leave us here, ___?
inizia ad imparare
must they
Ciekawym przypadkiem jest czasownik modalny must (musieć), który może wyrażać dwie różne rzeczy: przymus lub przypuszczenie/pewność. W tym pierwszym przypadku question tag tworzymy zgodnie z regułą:
Children must be hungry, ____?
Inaczej wygląda sytuacja w przypadku zdań wyrażających przypuszczenie/pewność. Tutaj question tag stworzymy za pomocą operatora pasującego do czasownika po must:
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aren’t they
These people must live nearby, ____?
Inaczej wygląda sytuacja w przypadku zdań wyrażających przypuszczenie/pewność. Tutaj question tag stworzymy za pomocą operatora pasującego do czasownika po must:
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don’t they
I’m doing it wrong, ___?
inizia ad imparare
are not I
Turn off the light, ___?
inizia ad imparare
will you
She doesn’t work at school, ___?
inizia ad imparare
does she
Your friends haven’t left, ___?
inizia ad imparare
have they
The teacher hasn’t marked the tests, ___?
inizia ad imparare
has she
You would never tell him, ___?
inizia ad imparare
would you
When you arrived, she had already left, ___?
inizia ad imparare
hadn't she
I'm not interrupting anything, ______?
inizia ad imparare
am I
I am quite stupid, ______?
inizia ad imparare
are not I
Yes, they're great. You have never been there, ___?
inizia ad imparare
have you
Well, if you promise you will do something, you should do it, ___?
inizia ad imparare
shouldn't you
The girl hasn’t been standing there since 5, ___?
inizia ad imparare
has she
We were sleeping, ___?
inizia ad imparare
weren’t we
We weren’t sleeping, ___?
inizia ad imparare
were we
You hadn’t handed in the essay before the deadline passed, ___?
inizia ad imparare
had you

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