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What kind of society is represented in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"?
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A small, rural, pre-Civil War Southern American community with strict moral codes, religious influence, and an underlying spirit of youthful rebellion.
How can you interpret the title "The Red Badge of Courage," and why is it significant?
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The title symbolizes a soldier’s wound as a mark of bravery, and the novel is significant for its psychological realism in depicting war.
How many inflectional suffixes does English have, and what are they?
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English has eight inflectional suffixes: -s (plural), -s (third-person singular), -ed (past tense), -ing (present participle), -en (past participle), -er (comparative), -est (superlative), and -'s/-s' (possessive).
What is the United Kingdom?
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The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, historically known for its emphasis on individualism and stability.
What does IRA stand for, and is it a Catholic or Protestant organization?
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The IRA (Irish Republican Army) is a paramilitary group supported mainly by the Catholic nationalist community in Northern Ireland, seeking unification with the Republic of Ireland.
Is the British monarch the most powerful person in the UK?
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No, the British monarch's power is largely ceremonial, while real political authority is held by the Prime Minister.
What are five events that shaped the history of the English language?
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The Anglo-Saxon settlement, Scandinavian settlements, the Norman Conquest, standardization of English, and British colonization/globalization.
What is a brief chronology of the English language?
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Old English (5th-11th centuries), Middle English (11th-15th centuries), and Modern English (16th century to present).
Choose three language processes, define them, and provide examples.
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Phonology (study of sounds, e.g., aspirated vs. unaspirated 'p'), Syntax (sentence structure, e.g., Subject-Verb-Object order), and Semantics (meaning changes, e.g., "silly" once meant "happy").
Define Old English and its periodization.
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Old English was the language spoken before and shortly after the Norman Conquest, divided into Pre-Old English (450-700), Early Old English (700-900), and Late Old English (900-1100).
Give the titles of two tenth-century manuscripts.
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*Beowulf* and the *Vercelli Book*.
How does Beowulf reflect the idea that Old English poetry came through a "Christian filter"?
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Though rooted in pagan warrior traditions, Beowulf includes Christian moral themes and biblical references due to its transcription by Christian monks.
alternative: Choose three language processes, define them, and provide examples.
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Borrowing: words are adopted from other languages ("safari" from Swahili), Sound Change: alters pronunciation over time (knight losing the [k] sound), Semantic Shift: word meanings evolve ("silly" shifting from "happy" to "foolish")
What is the most populated part of Britain, and why?
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Southeast England, especially London, due to its economic opportunities, transport links, and historical development.
What is Stonehenge, and why was it built?
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A prehistoric stone monument in Wiltshire, England, built around 2950-2090 B.C., possibly for religious, astronomical, or burial purposes.
What are five influences of Roman lifestyle on the Celts?
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Urban settlement development, advanced infrastructure, introduction of literacy, economic trade expansion, and cultural/religious blending.

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