0    48 schede    aldonakozlowska11
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Domanda Risposta
What's your name?
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Jak masz na imię?
How old are you
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Ile masz lat
What's your favorite colour?
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Jaki jest Twój ulubiony kolor?
What's this?
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Co to jest?
What are these
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Co to jest
What colour are they?
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Jakiego są koloru?
How many pencils can you see
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Ile ołówków widzisz
Can I help you?
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Czy mogę pomóc?
How many pupils can you see?
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Ilu uczniów widzisz?
What's your teacher's name?
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Jakie jest imie twojej nuczycielki?
What's her favourite colour?
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Jaki jest jej ulubiony kolor?
What instrument can you see?
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Jaki instrument widzisz?
What do you know?
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Co wiesz?
How old is he?
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Ile on ma lat?
Is she a dancer?
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Czy ona jest tancerką?
Is she a teacher?
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Ona jest nauczycielką?
Is it a painting?
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Czy to jest obraz?
Is it a dragon?
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Czy to smok
Is Tosia eight?
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Czy Tosia ma osiem lat?
Is he a vet
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Czy on jest weterynarzem?
What's that?
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Co to jest?
What are those?
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Co to jest?
Have you got a parrot?
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Jeżeli masz papugę?
Has she got a parrot?
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Czy ona ma papugę?
Has he got a thin cat?
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Czy ma chudego kota?
What's your mum's name?
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Jak ma na imię twoja mama?
What's your sister's name?
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Jak ma na imię twoja siostra?
How old is your father?
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Ile lat ma twój ojciec?
Who lives here?
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Kto tu mieszka?
Is it red?
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Czy to jest czerwone
What colour is it?
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Jakiego to jest koloru?
My favourite colour is green.
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Mój ulubiony kolor to zielony.
I'm eight.
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Mam osiem lat
What colour is the present?
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Jakiego koloru jest prezent?
How many tables can you see?
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Ile stolików możesz zobaczyć
Is he an artist?
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Czy on jest artystą?
What's that? It's a snake
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Co to jest? To jest wąż
What are those? They're frogs
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Co to są? To żaby
What are those? They're mice
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Co to są? To myszy
Have you got a big dog? Yes, I have
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Masz dużego psa? Tak, mam
Have you got a small rabbit? No, I haven't
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Masz małego królika? Nie, nie mam
Have you got an unusual pet? No, I haven't.
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Masz niezwykłego zwierzaka? Nie, nie mam.
What pet have you got?
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Jakiego masz zwierzaka?
Where's Tosia?
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Gdzie jest Tosia?
She's in the bathroom
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Ona jest w łazience
He's in the garden
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On jest w ogrodzie
They're in the kitchen
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Są w kuchni
They're in the living room
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Są w salonie

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