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Domanda English Risposta English
knock out
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make unconscious
leave out
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skip, not include
look up
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find sth (in dictionary)/look better
make up
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invent/become friends after a fight
pick up
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collect (odebrać)
put aside
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save money
put off
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postpone/make someone not to do sth
put up
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provide accomodation
show around
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give a tour
take over
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take somebody's place/buy company
take up
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start a hobby
tear up
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tear into pieces, destroy
think over
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try out
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try for the 1st time
turn down
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refuse an offer
wear out
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make tired (ex: work)
work out
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find a solution to a problem
break down
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stop working (ex: car)
break out
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begin suddenly
come out
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be published (ex: article)
draw up
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stop, sign legal papers
fall out
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quarrel, fight
get away
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escape from consequences
give in
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stop fighting against
bring up (brought up)
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to raise
call back
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call later
carry out
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follow instruction, wykonać polecenie
call off
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clear up
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clean/when weather starts looking better
fill in
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sign document/fill in a shift at work
give away
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give a present/tell a secret
give up
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stop doing sth or stop trying to
hołd up
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look out
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set in
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arrive and stay
show off
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try to attract attention by behavior
take off
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turn up
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to arrive unexpectedly/improve sound
wear off
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when a drug becomes less strong
cut down on
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to reduce sth
catch up
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nadrobić zaległości
face up to
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stawić czola
feel up to
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mieć na coś sile
get on/along with
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be friends
get on
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continue sth
get out of
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avoid responsibility
keep up with
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go with the same speed/know the news
get round to
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find time to do sth
get up to
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go in for
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have a hobby
grow out of
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become to old for sth
look down on sb
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patrzeć spode łba
look up to
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respect, admire
make up for
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put up with
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tolerate without complaining
ask after sb
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ask for news of sb
call for
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pick up
call on
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wait for a short period of time
come across
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find sth by chance
come into
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a fortune f. ex odziedziczyć
count on
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rely on
deal with
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solve a problem
do without
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we'll do without holiday this year
get at
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go over
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discuss the details
join in
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take part in
live on
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they live on money given by their father
look into
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investigate a problem
look round
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make for
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head to
pick on
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when a teacher doesn't like a student
see about
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making arrangement
see to
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take care of
stand for
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be a politics candidate, tolerate
take after
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make out
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