przyjaciele serial 2

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what have you been up to?
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what have you been up to?
to stay awake
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to stay awake
are you through with that
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are you through with that
J balled it up
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J balled it up
some of the heat off me
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some of the heat off me
these people are pros.
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these people are pros.
recently been dumped
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recently been dumped
shake hands
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shake hands
she is familiar with your situation
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she is familiar with your situation
you got plugs
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you got plugs
you got lenses
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you got lenses
you hate sticking your finger in your eye
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you hate sticking your finger in your eye
męskie buty
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men's shoes
damskie buty
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women's shoes
dziecięce buty
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children's shoes
wkładka do butów (np. ortopedyczna)
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shoe insole (e.g. orthopedic)
wkładka do buta skórzana
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leather insole
stopy / stopy
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feet / feet
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możesz włożyć wkładkę skórzaną do buta
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you can put a leather insole in the shoe
buty nie do pary
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Not paired shoes
buty nie sa skorzane
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the shoes are not leather
buty są z tworzywa sztucznego
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the shoes are plastic
skóra chłonie wilgoć ze stopy
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the skin absorbs moisture from the foot

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