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Domanda Risposta
działając jako
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acting as
upoważniony do
inizia ad imparare
authorised to
z siedzibą w
inizia ad imparare
with the registred office in
wpisaną do
inizia ad imparare
entered into
prowadzone przez
inizia ad imparare
conducted by
pod numerem KRS
inizia ad imparare
as KRS number
zwany dalej jako
inizia ad imparare
hereinafter reffered to as
udziały o wartości nominalnej
inizia ad imparare
shares with nominal value of
wydane przez
inizia ad imparare
issued by
potwierdzając dokument tożsamości
inizia ad imparare
proving with the Identity Document
do reprezentowania
inizia ad imparare
to represent
na Walnym Zgromadzeniu Akcjonariuszy
inizia ad imparare
at Generall Meeting of shareholders
do wykonywania
inizia ad imparare
to exercise
prawo głosu
inizia ad imparare
the right to vote
w imieniu
inizia ad imparare
on behalf of

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