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stand out
to be much better than other similar things or people
We had lots of good applicants for the job, but one stood out from the rest.
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wyróżniać się
to put something such as a plan or system in danger of being harmed or damaged
She knew that by failing her finals she could jeopardize her whole future.
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the ability to read and write
Far more resources are needed to improve adult literacy
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umiejętność czytania i pisania
selling point
a characteristic of a product that will persuade people to buy it
Its best selling point is the price - it's the cheapest on the market.
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przewaga konkurencyjna
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modne powiedzonko
digital footprint
everything about you that's on the internet
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cyfrowy ślad
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play up sth
to make something seem more important or better than it really is, esp. to get an advantage
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wyolbrzymiać znaczenie czegoś
track record
all the achievements or failures that someone or something has had in the past:
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narrow down
narrow down the choice
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zawężać, ograniczać
cultivate land
Corn has been cultivated there for some 6,000 years.
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uprawiać ziemię
cultivate a hobby
to try to develop and improve something
We’re trying to help these kids cultivate an interest in science.
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rozwijać hobby
cultivate relationships
to try to become friendly with someone because that person may be able to help you:
cultivate friendships
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pielęgnować relacje
weed out someone/something
to get rid of people or things that are not wanted
HR will weed out the CVs of anyone without a good reference
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pozbyć się kogoś/czegoś
any wild plant that grows in an unwanted place someone who is thin and physically weak or who is weak in character (informal)
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chwast, zdechlak
a line of bushes or small trees planted very close together, especially along the edge of a garden, field, or road
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hedge funds
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fundusze hedgingowe
to limit something severely
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being the first to do or use something, in a way that is an example for other people
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silicon valley
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Dolina Krzemowa
It takes about three days for the seeds to sprout.
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to grow or develop successfully
This is the perfect environment for our company to flourish and expand in.
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branch out
to start to do something different from what you usually do, especially in your job
This designer has recently branched out into children's wear.
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rozgałęziać się
plough back profits
to spend the money that a business has earned on improving that business
All the profits are being ploughed back into the company.
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inwestować zyski
bear fruit
If something that someone does bears fruit, it produces successful results
Eventually her efforts bore fruit and she got the job she wanted.
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przynosić owoce
thorny issue
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drażliwy problem
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grass-roots movement
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hard hitting
hard-hitting campaign
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mocno uderzający
reap rewards
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zbierać, skosić
keep head above water
to just be able to continue doing what you do
The business is in trouble, but we’re keeping our heads above water.
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utrzymywać się na powierzchni
trickle down (to sb/sth)
to start at the top of a system, organization, etc. and spread to all of it
Information from the management takes a long time to trickle down to staff.
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docierać do kogoś, rozprzestrzeniać się
water down
to intentionally make an idea, a proposal, or an opinion less extreme or forceful, usually so that other people will accept it
The report was watered down by the committee.
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osłabiać, rozcieńczać
brain freeze
an occasion when someone cannot think clearly, or cannot remember something
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zamrożenie mózgu
pour sth out
to tell all your problems or feelings to someone, especially privately or secretly
o can pour out my frustration to you.
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wylać coś
follow suit
to do the same thing
When one airline reduces its ticket prices, the rest usually follow suit.
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iść za czyimś przykładem
be quick/slow off the mark
to be quick/slow to act or react to an event or a situation
The police were certainly quick off the mark in reaching the scene of the accident.
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szybko/wolno zareagować
skate over/around sth
to avoid dealing completely with something or to fail to pay enough attention to
Providing homeless people with somewhere to stay when the weather is cold only skates around the problem, it doesn't solve it.
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be plain sailing
to be easy and without problems
The roads were busy as we drove out of town, but after that it was plain sailing.
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get/let sb off the hook
to allow someone to escape from a difficult situation or to avoid doing something that they do not want to do
I'll get you off the hook just this once.
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wybawić kogoś z opresji
on an even keel
regular and well-balanced and not likely to change suddenly
The new manager succeeded in putting the business back on an even keel.
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w równowadze
below the belt
very insulting and unfair.
That remark was unfair and cruel
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poniżej pasa
to be in pain
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cierpieć z bólu
She can't stand heights and has always suffered from vertigo.
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zawroty głowy
sprout up
New factories have sprouted up everywhere.
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cereal products
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produkty zbożowe
derelict building
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opuszczony budynek
contend with something/someone
He has to contend with thorny issue
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zmagać się z czymś / kimś
the process by which a place, especially part of a city, changes from being a poor area to a richer one, where people from a higher social class live
Ordinary working people have been priced out of East London by gentrification
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She is predominantly a dancer, but she also sings.
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well-off people
wealthy people
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price out
to make someone unable to buy or pay for something because the price is too high
Local residents are being priced out by u[market incomers
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not able to be done or achieved
It is unfeasible to
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flood of criticism
It can stem the flood of criticism.
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zalew krytyki
bridge the gap
They should bridge the gap between
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wypełnić lukę
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egzekwowaćm wdrażać

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