Pronombres posesivos

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Help yourself to some coffee.
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tú mismo
Sírvete un café tú mismo.
We found ourselves in the middle of a very complicated situation.
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nosotros mismos
Nos encontramos en medio de una situación muy complicada.
other day
I have to shave every other day
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cada dos dias
.(Tengo que afeitarme cada dos días.)
Make yourself at home.
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tú mismo
(Siéntete como en tu propia casa.)
scratched itself
The cat scratched itself.
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se rascó
El gato se rascó.
its own
The dog doesn’t like to be on its own.
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su propio
El perro no le gusta estar solo
This bicycle is his.
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su / sus
Esta bicicleta es de él.
The dress is hers.
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suyo / suyos / suya / suyas
El vestido es de ella
The house is its (the cat´s).
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3. persona singular, genero neutro
La casa es suya (del gato).
These are their books.
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su / sus
Éstos son sus libros.
This pencil is theirs.
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suyo / suyos / suya / suyas
Este lápiz es de ellos.

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