project challenges

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Przegląd projektu
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project overview
in this first step you provide a p. overview
mianować kogoś, spotkać
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appoint sb
you will appoint project manager
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zależą od różnych strategii
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depend between different strategies
oszacowanie zagrożenia
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risk assessment
the planning phase includes risk assessment
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important people or stakeholders are identified
test końcowy
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final test
groups across the organisation become more deeply involved in planning for the final test
uznanie, przyznanie
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acknowledging, recognition
the art world has begun to acknowledge his genius
posunąć naprzód, awansować, postęp
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to advance
our knowledge is advancing all the time
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this is likely to incentivize management to find savings
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political steps for the empowerment of women; individuals are given empowerment to create their own dwellings, a foundation to promote economic empowerment for poor communities
przeznaczyć, przydzielać
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the authorities allocated 50,000 places to refugees; we've been allocated an office
zgłaszać, przedkładać, proponować
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I submitted the project proposal last week
kontynuować, trwać
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proceed, pursue, carry on, continue
we can proceed with our investigation; make progress; go ahead
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sort out
sort out the problem; sort out what he needs
zmienić, poprawki
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amend, amendments
zamienić, zamienić
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to swap, swapping
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dig into
narażony na coś
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exposed to something
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it will allow us to predict future problems and to mitigate the worst potential effects.
uporać się z czymś, stawić czoła
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to tackle head on smth
śledzić, tropić
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to track
we can track things closely with a regular focus
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