Profit and Loss Account

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Profit&Loss Account = Income Statement = the P&L
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Rachunek zysków i strat (3)
revenues = the top line = income = turnover = sales = total sales
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przychody (5)
cost of goods sold (COGS)
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koszt własny sprzedaży
direct costs = variable costs
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koszty bezpośrednie (2)
substracting costs
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odejmowanie kosztów
indirect costs / overhead
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koszty pośrednie / koszty ogólne (2)
operating expenses
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koszty operacyjne
non-operating income - includes profits from investments in other companies
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dochód nieoperacyjny
EBITDA Earnings before income, tax depreciation and amortisation
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earnings = profit = the bottom line
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zysk (3)
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retained profit
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zysk zatrzymany
raw material
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labour cost
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koszt robocizny
to rise proportionately
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wzrastać proporcjonalnie
cost of sales
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koszt sprzedaży
sales revenue
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wpływy ze sprzedaży
gross profit
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zysk brutto
net profit
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zysk netto
EBIT earnings before interest and taxes
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EBITDA Earnings before income, tax depreciation and amortisation
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pre-tax income
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dochód przed opodatkowaniem
income tax
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podatek dochodowy

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