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Domanda Risposta
to revise the last week quicly
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aby szybko podsumować ostatni tydzień
talk about likes
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porozmawiaj o polubieniach
so i want you to look at
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więc chcę, żebyś na to spojrzał
in are box
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w pudełku
gaps every example
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luki w każdym przykładzie
every sentence
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każde zdanie
that matches
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to pasuje
just to
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there is specific
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jest konkretny
that we use
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którego używamy
dont mind
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nie przeszkadza
put them
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połóż je
have a look at
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Spójrz na
we are going to
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idziemy do
post the video
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opublikuj wideo
beggining of the sentence
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początek zdania
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propably son the most because
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prawdopodobnie syn najbardziej, ponieważ
tidy, its a command
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sprzątaj, to rozkaz
the laundry
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share the bills
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dzielić rachunki
and just make sure that you
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i po prostu upewnij się, że ty
we are going to in to the
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zamierzamy wejść do
it didnt really show up
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tak naprawdę nie było widać
show one more time
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pokaż jeszcze raz
answer those three questions
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odpowiedz na te trzy pytania
that you know
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że wiesz/ ktore znasz
smart clothes
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inteligentne ubrania
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buty sportowe
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wear the coat
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załóż płaszcz
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its very similar like in poland
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jest bardzo podobnie jak w polsce
would be
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over here
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becareful the pronounseation
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uważaj na wymowę
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as a protection as well
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także jako ochrona
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of the bottoms
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móc / umieć / potrafić; forma czasu Past Simple of czasownika 'can'
introduction to this survey
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wprowadzenie do tej ankiety
count the number of the people
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policzyć liczbę osób
read just the introduction
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przeczytaj tylko wstęp
i want you to guess
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chcę, żebyś zgadł
whats the survey is about
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o czym jest ankieta
it basicly means
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to w zasadzie oznacza
i just say
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po prostu mówię
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try to answer
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spróbuj odpowiedzieć
by yourself
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we have to change
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musimy się zmienić
treated present simple form
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traktowana teraźniejszość prosta forma
treated as a present simple we simply use
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traktujemy jako czas teraźniejszy prosty, którego po prostu używamy
simple use
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proste użycie
when i give you exercise to do
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kiedy każę ci ćwiczyć
clear subject
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jasny temat
just complete them
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po prostu je uzupełnij
straight away
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od razu
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nie mogłem
bring them
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przynieś je
if i can help you with anything else
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jeśli mogę ci pomóc w czymś jeszcze
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kiedy tylko

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