present simple vs present continuos

 0    19 schede    malgorzatagolofit
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Domanda Risposta
walenie żyją w oceanie
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whales live in the ocean
pies ma cztery nogi
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a dog has a four legs
w zimie często pada deszcz
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it rains a lot in winter
kule wodne mają 100 Celsjusza
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water balls at 100 Celsius
Zęby myję trzy razy dziennie
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I brush my teeth three times a day
Czytam w łóżku każdego wieczoru
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I read in bed every night
po pracy idzie na siłownię
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she goes to the gym after work
codziennie chodzi do szkoły
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he walks to school everyday
mieszkam w Anglii
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I live in England
W tej chwili wyjeżdżam do Londynu
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I am leaving in London at the moment
Uczę na lekcjach Anglii
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I am teaching in England lesson
oglądasz wideo
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you are watching a video
Steve myje włosy
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Steve is washing his hair
zabiera psa na spacer
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she is taking her dog for a walk
Czytam świetną książkę
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I am a reading a great book
w zimie często pada deszcz
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it rains a lot in winter
teraz pada deszcz
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it is raining right now
okno dachowe
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roof window
okno dachowe
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roof window

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