Present perfect + for / since

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Domanda English Risposta English
We've had our new flat ___ six months. (for / since)
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We've had our new flat for six months.
Hi Jackie! How are you? I ____ you for ages (see).
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Hi Jackie! How are you? I haven't seen you for ages.
How long ___ your husband? (know)
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How long have you known your husband?
Emily has been a volunteer ___ 10 years. (for / since)
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Emily has been a volunteer for 10 years.
Paul ____ anything (eat) since yesterday because he's ill.
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Paul hasn't eaten anything since yesterday because he's ill.
It ___ (not rain) __ two months. (for / since)
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It hasn't rained for two months.
They ___ (have) their dog since they got married.
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They have had their dog since they got married.

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