Prepositions (1)

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Domanda Risposta
wierzyć w
inizia ad imparare
believe in
różny od
inizia ad imparare
different from
inizia ad imparare
characteristic of
w jakim stopniu
inizia ad imparare
to what extent
w odróżnieniu od
inizia ad imparare
in contrast to
zgodnie z
inizia ad imparare
in line with
z powodu
inizia ad imparare
on account of
wykonać / przeprowadzić
inizia ad imparare
carry out
naciągnąć (1) wykorzystać (2)
inizia ad imparare
draw on (your experience)
inizia ad imparare
weigh up
być przyczyną
inizia ad imparare
to be account for
zwrócić uwagę
inizia ad imparare
to point out
przyznać się do
inizia ad imparare
to admit to
zgodzić się z / odnośnie czegoś
inizia ad imparare
to agree to / agree with x on/about something
zastanowić się nad
inizia ad imparare
reflect on
oskarżać X o coś
inizia ad imparare
to accuse X of something
wyrażać obawy
inizia ad imparare
to express doubts / concerns about / over
zwracać uwagę
inizia ad imparare
to draw attention to
koncentrować się na
inizia ad imparare
to focus on
udzielać wsparcia
inizia ad imparare
to give / lend support to
odnosić się do
inizia ad imparare
to refer to
prowadzić badania nad
inizia ad imparare
to conduct research into / to do a study on
być zaangażowanym w
inizia ad imparare
be involved in
być opartym na
inizia ad imparare
to be based on
koncentrować się na
inizia ad imparare
to focus/centre on
celem / priorytetem czegoś
inizia ad imparare
the aim/focus of
dowiedzieć się czegoś o czymś
inizia ad imparare
to find out about
analiza czegoś
inizia ad imparare
an analysis of
dostarczyć dowód czegoś/ na coś
inizia ad imparare
to provide evidence of / for something
przedstawić wyniki
inizia ad imparare
to present findings
artykuł dotyczący czegoś
inizia ad imparare
a paper on something
rosnąć /wzrosnąć do liczby
inizia ad imparare
to rise/increase to (a figure)
wyrównywać z
inizia ad imparare
to align with
wzrost/wzrost/różnica czegoś
inizia ad imparare
a rise/increase/difference of (a figure)
odpowiadać czemuś
inizia ad imparare
to correspond to
podwyżka/wzrost/różnica w czymś
inizia ad imparare
a rise/increase/difference in something
podobny/różny od
inizia ad imparare
similar to/different from
ustabilizować się na
inizia ad imparare
to stabilise at
równoważny do
inizia ad imparare
equivalent to
wahać się pomiędzy
inizia ad imparare
to fluctuate between
być zgodnym z
inizia ad imparare
to be consistent with
rosnąć do (poziomu)
inizia ad imparare
to peak at
inizia ad imparare
a peak of
korelacja pomiędzy
inizia ad imparare
a correlation between
porównywać do
inizia ad imparare
to compare with
kontrastować z
inizia ad imparare
to contrast with
inizia ad imparare
a proportion of
inizia ad imparare
an overview of
wada/zaleta czegoś
inizia ad imparare
an advantage/disadvantage of + ing
wada/zaleta/korzyść/wada za czymś
inizia ad imparare
an advantage/disadvantage/benefit/drawback for someone
czerpać korzyści z
inizia ad imparare
to benefit from
przynosić korzyści
inizia ad imparare
be of benefit to
zdefiniować / nazwać jako
inizia ad imparare
to define / name as
unikalne dla
inizia ad imparare
unique to
opis czegoś
inizia ad imparare
a description of
odnosić się do czegoś jako
inizia ad imparare
to refer to X as
specyficzne dla
inizia ad imparare
specific to
położyć nacisk
inizia ad imparare
to place emphasis on
sklasyfikować (w grupy)
inizia ad imparare
to classify into (groups)
inizia ad imparare
inherent in
znajomość /wiedza
inizia ad imparare
knowledge about/of
rozróżniać pomiędzy
inizia ad imparare
to distinguish between
definicja czegoś
inizia ad imparare
a definition of
obraz/zdjęcie czegoś
inizia ad imparare
an image/picture of
skutować w
inizia ad imparare
to result in
związek z
inizia ad imparare
a relationship with
zależny od
inizia ad imparare
dependent on
reperkusja czegoś
inizia ad imparare
a repercussion of
konsekwencja czegoś
inizia ad imparare
a consequence/outcome of
inizia ad imparare
implications of
wpływ/skutek/skutek na coś/czegoś
inizia ad imparare
an impact/effect/influence on/of X
czynnik w
inizia ad imparare
a factor in
być odpowiedzialnym za
inizia ad imparare
to account for
wskazanie / wskazuje na
inizia ad imparare
an indication/indicative of
If a verb follows a prepostion, the verb must be in the "ing form"
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Despite evidence to the contrary, Mackie insisted on arguing that he was right.
It is ofthen better to put the preposition before a relative pronoun in formal English
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This is the research ON WHICH Cairns based her theory of molecular attraction.
Peterson was the politician FOR WHOM most people in rural areas voted."
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Peterson was the politician FOR WHOM most people in rural areas voted. "
A preposition cannot be followed by "that" if it is beaing used as a linking word
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No one was aware of THAT were being filmed. (THAT do usunięcia).
Sometimes the preposition can simply be dropped
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No one was aware that they were being filmed (OK).
At other times, "the fact" must be added before "that"
inizia ad imparare
No one was aware of that fact that they were being filmed. / There was some discussion about the fact that some of the results looked misleading.

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