
 0    18 schede    aleksandracieszynska
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w kolejce / w rzędzie
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in a queue / in a row
być (w jakims kraju)
Nigdy nie bylam w Stanach
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been to (a place)
I 've never been TO the United States
w oknie / w drzwiach
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at the window / at the door
do you know that man standing at the door?
rozwiązanie (problemu)
Pieniądze nie rozwiązują każdego problemu.
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solution to (a problem)
Money isn't the solution to every problem.
zaleta czegoś
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the advantage of something
The advantage of having a car is that you don't have to rely on public transport.
jest dużo zalet robienia czegoś
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there are many advantages in (to) doing something
There are many adventages in (to) living alone
przyczyna, powód
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cause of, reason for
mieć czegoś dość / być znudzonym czymś
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to be fed up WITH something / to be bored with
I don't enjoy my job any more. I am fed up with it.
świadomy czegoś
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aware/conscious of something
zdolny do czegoś
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capable of
I am sure you are capable of passing the examination
zależny od
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dependent ON
I don't want to be dependent on anybody
znany z
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famous FOR
The Italian town of Grosseto is famous for the ancient wall
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be fond OF
przeszukać coś
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search something for
I have searched the house for my keys, but I still can't find them
oskarżyć o
oskarżył mnie o bycie poważną
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accuse of
he accused me of being serious
zderzać się z czymś
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collide with something
there was an accident. a bus collided with a car.
wypełnić coś
weź ta szklanke i napełnij ją wodą
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fill with something
take this glass and fill it with water
dostarczać / dostarczać komuś
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provide/supply sb with
the school provides all its students with books

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