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to take a bus
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jechać autobusem
to gesticulate
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a conductor
The orchestra played under the baton of an eminent conductor.
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Orkiestra grała pod batutą wybitnego dyrygenta.
the world cup
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puchar świata
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in the country
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na wsi
in a village
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we wsi
to recover after the illness
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odzyskać po chorobie
my holidays lasted
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moje wakacje trwały
to go trekking / to go hiking
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uprawiać turystykę pieszą
the coastline
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linia brzegowa
to back up a car
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cofnąć samochod
to come back
When she finally came back from work, she was exhausted.
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Kiedy wreszcie wróciła z pracy była wykończona.

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