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Domanda Risposta
to be on strike
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strajk strajkować
a centre
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welfare officer
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urząd do spraw socjalnych
of their own will
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z własnej woli
to a large / small extent
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w dużym / małym stopniu
to be automatised
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być zautomatyzowanym
less advanced / more backwards
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mniej zaawansowane / bardziej uwstecznione
higher positions
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wyższe stanowiska
I have a say in the matter.
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Mam coś do powiedzenia w tej sprawie.
to voice one's concern about
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wyrazić zaniepokojenie na temat
the agreements say that
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umowy mówią, że
as I said before
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tak jak powiedziałem przedtem
every person is expendable
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każda osoba jest zbędna
adequate to the occasion
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adekwatny do okazji
this is the way they think
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it has always been melting
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zawsze się topił
twice as many
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dwa razy
to suffer the consequences
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ponieść konsekwencje
P.E.= physicel education
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