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He wanted it very much.
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Bardzo tego chciał.
to turn out = to appear
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pojawić się
to take a hitchhiker
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wziąć autostopowicza
on the rear seat
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na tylnym siedzeniu
in the back of the car
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z tyłu samochodu
at the table
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przy stole
the beer was helpful
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piwo było pomocne
to invite
On Saturday evening I usually visit my friends or invite them to my place.
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W sobotę wieczór zazwyczaj odwiedzam moich przyjaciół lub zapraszam ich do mnie.
an invitation
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if I had a choice between a concert and a party, I would...
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gdybym miał wybór między koncertem a przyjęciem, chciałbym...
a repair
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to return a product
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zwrócić produkt
to go kayaking
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pływać kajakiem
a boot / a trunk
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to act on the market
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działać na rynku
to operate on the market
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działać na rynku
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Business or pleasure?
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Biznes czy przyjemność?
Mexican food is very spicy.
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Kuchnia meksykańska jest bardzo pikantna.
a stew
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gulasz, potrawka
to carry
I will carry your groceries.
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Poniosę twoje zakupy.
to take care of
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troszczyć się o
to count on
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liczyć na kogoś / polegać na
in a good mood
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w dobrym nastroju
in a bad mood
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w złym humorze
a moody person
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humorzasta osoba

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