prace domowe

 0    16 schede    karolcikrybak
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Domanda Risposta
myć okna
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clean the windowns
gotować obiad
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cook dinner
robić obowiązki domowe
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do chores
zrobić pranie
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do the laundry
odkurzyć meble
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dust the furniture
prasować ubrania
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iron the clothes
nakrywać do stołu
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lay the table
pościel łóżka
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make the beds
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wyszoruj toaletę
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scrub the toilet
wynosic smieci do kosza
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take out the rubbish in the bin
posprzątaj bałagan
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tidy up the mess
odkurz podłogę
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vacuum the floor
zmywać naczynia
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wash the dishes
wysuszyć naczynia
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dry the dishes
podlej rośliny
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water the plants

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