prace domowe

 0    19 schede    julkasiurdynka
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Domanda Risposta
zmienić posciel
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change the sheets
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Cook a meal
robic pranie
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do laundry
ścierać kurz z mebli
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dust the furniture
karmić kota
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feed the cat
obowiazki domowe
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household chores
ładować zmywarkę
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load the dishwasher
słać łóżko
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make the bed
myć podloge
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mop the floor
kosić trawnik
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to mow the lawn
wynosic smieci
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take the rubbish out
czyścić kuwete
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clean the litter box
sprzątać po kimś
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pick up after sb
wkładać ubrania do kosza na brudne ubrania
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place clothes in the laundry
robić drugie śniadanie do szkoły
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make lunch for school
odkładać rzeczy na miejsce
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put away ones own belongings
szorować zlew
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scrub the sink
zmiatac podłogę
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sweep the floor

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