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This is just a pack of lies. I don’t believe a word of what you just said. inizia ad imparare
I will have to pack my bags in advance, if I want to make it on time. inizia ad imparare
I finally passed my final exam and I am officially a university graduate. inizia ad imparare
pay attention to something I pay attention to clothes as looks mean a lot to me. inizia ad imparare
pay somebody back with interest Thanks for the money. I will pay you back with interest as soon as I can. inizia ad imparare
odpłacić komuś z nawiązką; spłacić z odsetkami
pay through the nose for something I didn’t realise that the other shop sold the same book at half price. Unfortunately, I have already paid through the nose for it. inizia ad imparare
przepłacić coś, zapłacić za dużo
The government is in the middle of peace talks that will solve the current situation in the Middle East. inizia ad imparare
People of like minds get along well. There’s nothing surprising about that. inizia ad imparare
ludzie o podobnych poglądach
People say it is difficult to get into this company, but I want to see for myself. inizia ad imparare
I always perform all tasks to the best of my abilities. inizia ad imparare
Please keep all your personal belongings with you at all times. inizia ad imparare
You can pick and choose whatever you want, I pay! inizia ad imparare
przebierać, wybierać, grymasić
This is simply a piece of cake for me! I have always been good at maths. inizia ad imparare
I placed a bet on Spain to win the match and I won £10. inizia ad imparare
I placed an advertisement about the job vacancy, however, I have not received a response yet. inizia ad imparare
Are you ready to place an order or do you need some more time? inizia ad imparare
place confidence in somebody I place a great deal of confidence in you, do not disappoint me. inizia ad imparare
place emphasis on something I place a great amount of emphasis on homework; it will account for 30% of your final mark. inizia ad imparare
kłaść na coś nacisk, podkreślać
place importance on something I place almost no importance on attendance. It is up to you whether you attend the lectures or not. inizia ad imparare
przywiązywać wagę do czegoś
I always get annoyed when my brother plays tricks on me. inizia ad imparare
Sam always plays by the rules. He is the most honest person I have ever met. inizia ad imparare
I play cards whenever I need to kill time. inizia ad imparare
Don’t play the fool! I am sure you know what I’m talking about. inizia ad imparare
If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. It’s really like playing with fire. inizia ad imparare
igrać z ogniem, kusić los
I decided to pluck up the courage and ask my boss for a pay rise. inizia ad imparare
Stop poking fun at me, it’s getting really annoying. inizia ad imparare
Drunk driving poses a threat of causing a car accident. inizia ad imparare
I know Kate pretty well but I can’t say we’re best friends. inizia ad imparare
I can only spend between 100 and 150 pounds. Have you got anything within that price range? inizia ad imparare
Sam came to class well prepared, and managed to prove our teacher wrong. inizia ad imparare
udowodnić komuś, że się myli
The prime minister is now considered public enemy number one because of what he stated during the last meeting. inizia ad imparare
wróg publiczny numer jeden
You pulled my leg! I really thought you were telling me the truth. inizia ad imparare
Don’t push your luck. I think you should be cautious of what you do next. inizia ad imparare
push somebody to the wall When I was pushed to the wall, I made my mind up then and there. inizia ad imparare
put a lot of effort into something I have put a lot of effort into this project. I hope it works. inizia ad imparare
wkładać w coś dużo wysiłku
put all one’s eggs in one basket I know it’s risky, but I have decided to put all my eggs into one basket and see what happens. inizia ad imparare
postawić wszystko na jedną kartę
put much work in something I didn’t put much work into the last essay I wrote, and as a result, I received a low mark. inizia ad imparare
I really didn’t mean to interfere and totally unintentionally I put my foot in it. inizia ad imparare
put one’s heart into something I really put my heart into the last play we were staging and it was a major success. inizia ad imparare
I managed to put out the fire before the fire brigade arrived. inizia ad imparare
Because I don’t want to put you at risk, it would be best if you didn’t go with me. inizia ad imparare
put somebody in an awkward situation You really shouldn’t have said that. You’ve now put me in a really awkward situation. inizia ad imparare
postawić kogoś w niezręcznej sytuacji
I managed to put Sam straight when I told him all the details. inizia ad imparare
wyjaśnić coś komuś, wyprowadzić kogoś z błędu
put something into somebody’s head I don’t know what they put into your head while you worked there, but this in not an acceptable behaviour here. inizia ad imparare
wbijać komuś coś do głowy
put something into the same bag You shouldn’t put all the modern paintings into the same bag. There are different trends and movements. inizia ad imparare
wrzucać coś do jednego worka
put something to the test This conference will put Anne to the test. It’s the first event she is coordinating on her own. inizia ad imparare
put the blame on somebody It’s always easy to put the blame on somebody else rather than admit you made a mistake. inizia ad imparare
The quality of life in Poland has improved significantly over the last 20 years. inizia ad imparare
Interior design is purely a question of taste. I don’t like dark walls but that’s my opinion. inizia ad imparare