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On robi szarlotkę z kruszonką.
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He is making an apple crumble.
apul krambul?
u niej w porzątku
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She's cool!
On pracuje z domu.
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He's working from home.
Dziś jest tu spokojnie.
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It's quiet here today.
ona Czyta w salonie.
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she is reading in the living room.
Spędza dużo czasu ze swoimi przyjaciółmi.
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He spends a lot of time with his friends./ He is very busy with his friends.
w jej pokoju
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in her room
ON Czyta w salonie.
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HE is reading in the living room.
Zostaję dzisiaj w domu, ponieważ jestem chory.
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I'm staying home today because I'm ill.

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