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state funded legal aid, duty counsel, state-appointed legal counsel inizia ad imparare
pomoc prawna finansowana przez państwo
serve something on somebody inizia ad imparare
serve something with somebody inizia ad imparare
enter/ deliver/ pronounce/ issue/ render a judgement inizia ad imparare
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pisemne zeznania świadków
inizia ad imparare
ujawnienie, odkrycie materiału dowodowego
inizia ad imparare
posiedzenie jawne/ rozprawa
subject matter jurisdiction, jurisdiction over subject matter inizia ad imparare
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reasons for judgement, grounds of judgement inizia ad imparare
uzasadnienie, podstawy orzeczenia
inizia ad imparare
oświadczenie obrony (odpowiedź na pozew)
inizia ad imparare
order/ ruling (common law); injunction (equity) inizia ad imparare
nakaz/orzeczenie (common law); nakaz (equity)
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przewodniczący / sędzia główny
inizia ad imparare
remit/ refer/ remount a case inizia ad imparare
stay of /stay in proceedings inizia ad imparare
hearing/ judicial session, court session, sitting inizia ad imparare
rozprawa sądowa, posiedzenie sądu
default judgement, judgement by default inizia ad imparare
amount in dispute/ controversy, claim value, value od the claim inizia ad imparare
wartość przedmiotu sporu, roszczenia
competent court, court of competent jurisdiction inizia ad imparare
discontinuance of proceedings inizia ad imparare
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case files, documents before the court inizia ad imparare
hear/ adjudicate the case inizia ad imparare
wysłuchać/rozsądzić sprawę
cause list (UK), docket (USA) inizia ad imparare
closed hearing, in camera sitting, sitting in chambers inizia ad imparare
rozprawa/ posiedzenie niejawne
issue/ file a claim/ lawsuit/ petition/ claim form/ complaint; writ a summons inizia ad imparare
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inizia ad imparare
initiate/issue/start/institute/commence/ instigate proceeding or proceeding inizia ad imparare
bring an action/ a lawsuit inizia ad imparare
wnieść pozew, wytoczyć postępowanie