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pień drzewa, ród, stalk; powstrzymać, pochodzić, zatamować inizia ad imparare
many of univeristies problems stem from rapid expansion
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stop, deter, contain, stay, stem, hold back
pogląd na dany temat, zatrudniać, przyjmować, podjąć sie czegoś inizia ad imparare
what is take on this problem?
stoisko, stanowisko; stać, wstrzymać, stawiać, postawić inizia ad imparare
what is your stand on the current crisis?
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cease, stop, stand, break off, leave off
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cease, stop, suspend, discontinue, impede, restrain work on the dam was suspend
złożony, skomplikowany, misterny; opracować, wypracować, zbadać inizia ad imparare
develop or present a theory, policy or system in detail
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setback, failure, defeat, breakdown setbacks don't discourage me
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push someone or something roughly
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It seems odd now, but in Holland, tulip bulbs were once as valuable as houses.
łodyga, badyl, trzon; czaić, grasować inizia ad imparare
purse and approach stealthly like a cat stalking a bird
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a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention
podstęp, chytrość; ukryty, podstępny, chytry inizia ad imparare
people pay a lot of money in stealth taxes
dziwny, osobliwy, nieparzysty inizia ad imparare
atom which possess an odd number of electrons
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the ratio between the amounts staked by the parties to a bet, based on the expected probability either way
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this one-sided conversation is beginning to bore me
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automatic two sided printing, single-sided copy, scan and fax
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Never had I seen finer exemplification of crowd psychology, collective obsession
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tulipanowa mania lub tulipanowa gorączka, fiksacja, obsesja inizia ad imparare
tulip mania or tulip fever, fixation, obsession by the end of twentieh century a new round of tulip mania began
cenny, wartościowy, kosztowny inizia ad imparare
valuable asset equal stolen goods
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what's next? what do we do next? what will happen now? what follow up?
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all too often our recruitment processes are biased toward younger candidates
celowe, zamierzone, rozważać, naradzać się inizia ad imparare
a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict
odrębny, wyraźny, odmienny inizia ad imparare
a distinct smell of nicotine
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intentionally, on purpose and conscioously I didn't do it intentionally, deliberately
próba, usiłowanie, zamach, napad// próbować, usiłować, pokusisć sie, postarać się inizia ad imparare
an attempt to halt the bombings
złapać w pułapkę, zatrzasnąć; pułapka, zasadzka, podstęp, inizia ad imparare
trapped in my mind or trap/slam the door
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while spading the soil, I think on flowers
przerzucać, odgarniać łopatą/szuflą inizia ad imparare
I'll be shoving coal in a furnace
dopuszczać, przyznawać, uwzględniać inizia ad imparare
in each race, one point is allowed for pole position
zaprzeczać, odmawiać, odrzucać, przeczyć, negować inizia ad imparare
they deny any responsibility for the tragedy or access denied
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we can detect no ambigiuty in this section of the agreement
świadomy, przytomny, trzeźwy inizia ad imparare
we are conscious of the extent of the problem
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an opponent, rival, adversary, enemy
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dodatek do gazety, dodatek inizia ad imparare
addition to newspaper, supplement
równy, jednakowy / równać się, dorównać, sprostać inizia ad imparare
that kind of behaviour equals trouble and that is the reason why I want an equal share
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his close encounter with death
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zapobiec, uniemożliwić, przeszkodzić, przeszkadzać czemuś inizia ad imparare
window lokcs won't prevent a determined burglar from getting in
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the recipient of the noble peace prize
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US gunman deliberately sought black victims - mayor
gryźć, kęs, ukąszenie, ugryzienie inizia ad imparare
the come here to seek shelter from biting winter winds. stephan ate a hod dog in three big bites.
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stalk it is the main stem of a herbaceous plant
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their training courses are to be chopped what's mean reduce drastically
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ściganie, zajęcie, pogoń za czymś inizia ad imparare
those whose business is the pursuit of knowledge
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żądło, ukłucie, użądlenie, ukąszenie czasownik + piec, parzyć, uszczypać, dokuczać, pobudzać do działania inizia ad imparare
arouse, jab I was stung by a jellyfish
kotlety schabowe z puree ziemniaczanym inizia ad imparare
pork chops with mashed potatoes
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I salted and peppered the beef before I browned it
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a plate of cold roast beef
nuty, zapis nutowy, wynik w sporcie, zdobywać punkt inizia ad imparare