„powiedz inaczej”

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Domanda English Risposta English
you’re welcome
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don’t mention it! Not at all!
I understand you
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I feel you/got it/get you/gotcha you/I follow you
I’m busy
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I’ve got a lot on my plate/I’m snowed under
I was wrong
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My bad/I dropped the ball, sorry
I need to leave
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I must dash (dip)/I’ve got to get doing
I don’t know
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I haven’t got the faintest idea/I haven’t got a clue
This is going to be great!
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This is going to be lovely/lit/legendary
I have something to do
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I have some errands to run
good luck
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(keep) fingers crossed
It was fun
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I had a blast/ It was wild/wicked
Have a nice day!
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Have a good one/Happy Friday
Let’s finish doing our duties
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Let’s call it a day
Can you repeat that?
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Come again?
You make me laugh
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you crack me up
What are your plans?
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What are you up to?

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