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How is it going?
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Jak leci?
Long time no see
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Dawno się nie widzieliśmy
Can't complain!
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Nie mogę narzekać!
Thank you anyway!
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Mimo wszystko dziekuję!
Thank you in advance
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Z góry dziękuję
Dont't takie it to heart
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Nie przejmuj się tym
No worries
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Bez obaw
It doesn't matter
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To nie ma znaczenia
Sorry to bother you!
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Przepraszam, że przeszkadzam!
Lucky you
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I freaked out
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I am very angry
Good for you
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Dobrze dla ciebie
Cheer uo!
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Głowa do góry
That's lit!
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Sth is amazing
There you go!
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Proszę bardzo! // Dawaj jedziesz
Not a bit
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Ani trochę
There is no room fot doubt
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Nie ma miejsca na wątpliwości
You rock!
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Step up your game!
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Work harder // to improve sb's work
Pull yourself together
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Weź się w garść
You sold me
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Kupiłes mnie // wierze ci
This is a no-brainer
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Easy decision to make
I screwed up
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Take care
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Dbaj o siebie (na pożegnanie)
White elephant
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sth that is very cost but nobody use/need it
White lie
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a little lie
White collar
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a person who works in the office
Blue collar
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a person who works physically
Out of the blue
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if sth happened out of the blue, this happened unexpectionally
once in the blue moon
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if sth happened once in the blue moon, that happened very very rare
red tape
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a lot of paperworks, biurocraphy // we need to cut the red tape
roll out the red carpet
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prepare sth for someone (situation, decorate)
catch sb red handed
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złapać kogoś na gorącym uczynku
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shorter version of 'isnt it'

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