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w przeciwnym wypadku
You have to start learning otherwise you won’t pass an exam.
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We need to buy a map, otherwise we won’t make it to this museum.
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I think you should compose these elements on an axis.
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Where would you put this historical event on the time axis?
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Draw a horizontal and vertical axis, then find there a correct point.
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If we invent a time machine, we will be able to travel across the time axis.
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You have to go to the hospital, your wound is bleeding!
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You have an awful wound. You will have a scar.
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You broke my heart, I have a wound there.
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Do you remember? You hurt me by knife last Christmas. I had a large wound on my chest.
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Stand sth
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wytrzymać coś
I can’t stand it
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nie mogę tego znieść
She couldn’t stand it so she decided to die.
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If you don’t stop playing this music, I can’t stand it and I will hurt you.
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He is very brave, he can stand everything.
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You have a beautiful coffin.
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She is afraid that she will wake up in a coffin after death.
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My coffin will be made of oak.
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She always dreamed of red coffin.
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I hate eels, I prefer herrings.
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Did you see that eel? He jumped over our boat!
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Is it true there is an electric eel?
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Today we’re having eel for diner.
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otwarty na ludzi (ekstrawertyczny)
My friend is shy but he is also, at the same time, very outgoing.
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You should be more outgoing.
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Well, I’m not a person who is outgoing.
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podchodzący z rezerwą (introwertyczny)
He isn’t afraid of people, he is just very reserved.
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Why did they call a clothes shop “Reserved”?
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You trust strange people too much, you should be more reserved.
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She is becoming a renowned artist.
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He is very renowned but I don’t know why.
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Is he a renowned designer? Renowned? He is famous around the world!
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bezpośredni (osoba, połączenie np. kolejowe)
She is reserved person but she is also very direct, she always says what she thinks.
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If we wait an hour, we will go by a direct train.
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Please send those files directly to me.
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Hello, I need to print one thousand leaflets.
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Please, go with him and deliver those leaflets.
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I won’t print leaflets, only posters.
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Hello, I need to print one thousand flyers.
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Please, go with him and deliver those flyers.
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I won’t print flyers, only posters.
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Are you eating these leftovers?
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Give these leftovers to dog.
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He’s a fellow artist
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kolega po fachu
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You have to change units: centimeters for inches.
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Kelvin is a unit of measure of temperature.
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Light year isn’t a unit of time, it is distance unit.
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miara, mierzyć
What is a measure of wisdom?
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Take this ruler and measure this stick.
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If you want to “measure” others, you have to “measure” yourself first.
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Hagia Sofia is one of the most beautiful mosques in the world.
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Have you ever been to a mosque?
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We learn about different religions and we will go to the mosque in next week.
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Do mosques have minarets usually?
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If you touch me, I will punch you.
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Did you punch him very hard?
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If you punch me, I will kill you.
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What is the difference between “punch” and “strike”?
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Expiry date
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data ważności
Don’t eat this meat, it’s out of date
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Before you buy this can, check expiry date.
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She always checks expiry dates of food.
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You are old, your expiry date is over.
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