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Is she a diligent student? Yes, she is very hard working person.
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You are very diligent. It’s my duty.
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He wasn’t always very diligent.
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They’re laughing at her. Why? She is just diligent.
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Laugh at somebody
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śmiać się z kogoś
Why are you laughing at me? Because you are clumsy.
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It’s very rude to laugh at somebody!
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Are you laughing at me?
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I am not laughing at the situation, I’m laughing at you.
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He solved the problem! He found a solution!
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Could you help me solve this exercise?
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It won’t solve your problems, if you start screaming.
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Yes, start yelling, it will solve all problems.
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odnośnie, w kwestii
I don’t know what to do regarding this situation.
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Regarding that... Regarding what? That! ooo THAT!
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Regarding your absence, you are fired.
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Regarding the situation in the middle east, I'm going home.
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You will gain nothing by doing this.
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We will gain everything!
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I have to gain time.
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She is going to gain respect from her superior.
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I appreciate the time that you wasted on this, but it is still looks bad.
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You don’t appreciate me at all!
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If you do that like this, I will appreciate it.
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Please, appreciate that I’m here!
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She couldn't predict this situation.
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I predicted this so I won't be surprised.
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Can you predict the weather?
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He predicts weather very well!
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What is the weather prediction on Tuesday?
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The prediction of your development is not good.
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Prediction for Sunday: rain, wind, storm, sun and something else.
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What is he doing? He’s watching a weather prediction.
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If there is a need, I will implement a new computer system.
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Yesterday, they implemented a martial law in our country.
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Tomorrow we will implement the contents of their statement.
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I haven’t implemented the New Year's resolutions yet.
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On the one hand, on the other hand
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Z jednej strony, z drugiej strony
On the one hand she is right, but on the other, she isn’t.
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Allow someone to do something
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pozwalać komuś na zrobienie czegoś
I will allow you to eat that cake, if you buy me a herring.
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No, I didn’t do that, they didn’t allow me.
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We can’t go there. Why? The inscription doesn’t allow us to do that.
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I don’t allow you to do that. Why?
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Please, respect my privacy!
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She sells her privacy everyday in this TV programme.
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My privacy is the most important thing for me.
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This is my private plane.
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You are on private area, please go away or I will shoot you, your wife and your baby.
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This is her private diary, we shouldn't read it.
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Broad [brod]
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Ligia from Quo vadis didn’t have broad hips.
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The river is the broadest here. We have to go down the river.
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These letters are too broad.
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You have to broaden my trousers.
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They will broaden the river bank.
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I want to broaden my knowledge.
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Did Kubrick direct “Eyes wide open”?
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I heard, they have very wide streets in the USA.
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She has very wide horizons.
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Your car is too wide. You won’t fit in this street.
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