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everything must be sold
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are the animals fed every morning at the 6am by the zookeeper
zanim tam dotarłem, światła były już włączone
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the lights had alredy been turned on by the time i got there
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A new course was introduced at the college last year
danie główne było podawane przez weitres, kiedy przyjechaliśmy
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the main course was served by the weitres when we arrived
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youre exam results will be sent to your home address
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has the decorations been finished
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this job cannot be done by one person alone
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is the damage being repaired at the moment
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in italy national elections are held every four years
nasz nauczyciel otrzymał jasne instrukcje do naśladowania
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we were given clear instructions to follow by our teacher
firma została niedawno przejęta przez duże korporacje
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the company has recently been taken over by a large corporations
to danie z makaronem można jeść na ciepło lub na zimno
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this pasta dish can be eaten hot or cold
kwiaty należy zbierać na początku
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the flowers have to be picked early in the morning
było bezpośrednie
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was direct
robi zasłony
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is having curtains made
został odkryty
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was discovered
kazałem sprawdzić zęby
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i had my teeth checked
mam fryzurę
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i have my hairstyled
mają rekordy w tej chwili
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have recorates at the moment
jego trawa nie została podcięta
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hasnt had his grass cut at

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