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Pozwólcie że Przedstawię wam Johna.
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allow me to introduce you to John
Miło cię poznać
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it's a pleasure to meet you
Kasia i Paweł są zakochani.
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Kasia and Paweł are in love.
studenci robią sobie selfie na ulicy
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the students take selfies on the street
autobus zawsze się spóźnia
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the bus always come late
Jak zarabiasz na życie?
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what to do you do for a living
Jestem specjalistą ds. Sprzedaży
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I am a sales specialist
Pracuję w biurze.
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I'm work in an office
moje największe hity to blending in love, run and better in time.
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my biggest hits are blending in love run and better in time
Jestem także członkiem jury w programie Britain's Got Talent
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I'm also a jury member in the show Britain's Got Talent
Gram Edwarda Cullena w filmach Zmierzch
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I play Edward Cullen in the Twilight movies
brytyjski premier mieszka na Downing Street 10
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the British prime minister live in 10 Downing Street
agent call center pracuje dla call center
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call centre agent works for call center
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proste włosy
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straight hair
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niemądry, głupi, nierosadny
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mądry, bystry
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pewny siebie
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on jest trochę leniwy
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he's a bit lazy
o kochanie, bo to nie twoja kolej
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oh sweetheart it's not your turn
jadę autobusem do pracy
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i go to work by bus
dzieci chodzą do szkoły
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the children go to school
silnik dobrze działa
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the engine goes well
Cecile wariuje
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Cecile goes crazy
Kasia i Paweł idą na zakupy
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Kate and Paul go shopping.
wyjeżdżamy za granicę
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we go abroad
mój brat jedzie samochodem
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my brother goes by the car
moi rodzice najpierw idą na zakupy
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my parents goes shopping first
wszystko poszło dobrze
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everything goes well
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I go crazy
ten chłopak tutaj to mój syn
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the boy right here is my son

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