Polish your English 1

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Jeśli o mnie chodzi
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As far as I'm concerned/ If you ask me
Chodzi mi o to, że...
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What I'm getting at is...
Nie do końca cię rozumiem
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I don't quite follow you
Pozdrów ode mnie
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Give my love/regards to
Daleko jeszcze?
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Are we there yet?
Kupować kota w worku
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To buy a pig in a poke
Kiedy masz termin (porodu)?
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When is the baby due?
Mówi się, że
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One might say that
Rozumiecie, wszystko jasne?
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Have you got that? Are you with me?
Bardzo mi pomogłeś!
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You've been a great help!
programowanie komputerowe
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computer programming
wieczór kawalerski
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a stag night
I kto to mówi?!
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Look who's talking!?
Ja się tym zajmę ("ty odpocznij")
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I'll get it

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