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Domanda Risposta
partia polityczna
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a political party
kara smierci
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death penalty
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a court
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fair, just
mocna waluta
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sound currency
proces w sądzie
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trial, Trial may last years.
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a theft, robbery
główna siedziba, centrala, główne biuro, główna kwatera
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a lawyer, attorney
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stanowic, reprezentowac
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constitute, And what he just said does not constitute an actual threat
oskarzenie, zarzut
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charge, accusation(akiuzejszyn), The prosecutor dropped charges against him.
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sedzia sportowy
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gwałt, gwałcić
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rape, Was he guilty of attempted date rape?
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to steal, He stole my bicycle and ran away.
służba (w wojsku), kadencja (w urzędzie)
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stint, He did a stint in the army.
dofinansowanie do czegoś
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finanse for sth,
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endowment, His endowment helped me continue my studies
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advisor, My advisor told me not to sign that document until I consult it with my lawyer.
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chaos polityczny
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political turmoil, He got lost in the turmoil of the attack.
zamach stanu
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coup (czyt. ku), A military coup is not a way out of a crisis.
wojna domowa
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civil war, More than 60,000 people have died in the civil war
kampania wyborcza
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election campaign, His electoral campaign relies on all of the country's organisational, media and economic resources.
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an election
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a bribe
bezprawny, nielegalny, niedozwolony
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illegitimate, How much of the online drug sales trade is illegitimate.
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a suspicious, Stop acting suspicious.
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survey, The survey is completely anonymous.
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anonymous, I found out about the whole affair from an anonymous letter.
afera, wydarzenie, sprawa
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affair (efer), The affair led to the collapse of the government.
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cenzurować, ocenzurować
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censor (sensa), He couldn't censor or change, but he could manipulate the English translation.
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censored (sensored)
cenzura, cenzurowanie
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censorship, He would never bow down to the white man's censorship!
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a journalist, I sometimes think I would like to be a journalist
trzymać (w areszcie), zatrzymywać (gdzieś tymczasowo)
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detain, He's been detained by security because of his suspicious behaviour at the airport.
areszt tymczasowy, więzienie
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jail, They released him from jail after 30 days for lack of evidence.
zaskarżać (kogoś), procesować się (o coś), wnosić pozew
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sue somebody, She sued the driver for damages.
oskarżony, oskarżona, pozwany, pozwana
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spostrzeżenie, komentarz, uwaga, obserwacja (na temat czegoś)
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uznać kogoś za
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deem, He was deemed insane
powstanie, rewolta
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insurrection, revolt, his uprising must be stopped, Sharpe, by whatever means.
władca, władczyni, rządca
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ruler, I think that she would make an excellent ruler.
kara więzienna
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imprisonment, He only had to pay a fine and managed to avoid imprisonment
wygnanie, przymusowa emigracja
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exile, My children and I are being sent into exile.
przemycać np narkotyki
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smuggle, If you smuggle goods, it is illegal.
popyt, zapotrzebowanie (np. na określone dobra, usługi)
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demand, There is a high demand for our services in this region
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intimidation, She's lived with terror and intimidation her whole life
rozpowszechniać, szerzyć (np. poglądy, idee)
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disseminate, spread
felietonista, sprawozdawca, komentator (np. polityczny)
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columnist, He was interviewed by a Hollywood gossip columnist.
uniewinniać, usprawiedliwiać
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naruszać, zakłócać (np. porządek, prawo)
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violate, breach (bricz), People violate law all the time., It is absurd to claim that we have to breach international conventions
fałszywe przedstawienie, wypaczenie, fałszywy obraz
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misrepresentations, distortion
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trustworthiness, credibility
uzasadnienie, usprawiedliwienie
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justification, As I have said earlier, this is a project with absolutely no economic justification.
oszustwo, przekręt, szwindel
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scam, They constructed an elaborate scam to get what they wanted
naruszenie, pogwałcenie (prawa, zasad)
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breach (bricz), violate, Your actions are a breach of our agreement.
akcyza na wyroby alkoholowe i tytoniowe
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sin tax
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mary jane
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malnutrition (malniutrejszyn)
przeinaczac, falszywie przedatawiac
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distort, misrepresent,
uprawniony, spelniajacy wymagania
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eligible, Is he eligible to work here?
miedzymorski np handel
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areszt śledczy
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custody, Three of men were remand in custody.
wolnosc slowa
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freedom of speech, free speech
okrucieństwo, okropność
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brutality, atrocity, Man is capable of as much atrocity as he has imagination
wspólnota narodowa np. wielka brytania, unia europejska
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commonweal (commonwelf)
traktat, porozumienie, ugoda
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treaty, The treaty of Lisbon was initially known as the Reform treaty
narkotyk zazywany okazjonalnie
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recreational drug
porwanie, uprowadzenie
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hijacking (hajdżaking)
żaloba narodowa
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national day of mourning
oszustwo, podstęp
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deception, His elaborate deception fooled everyone.
wprowadzenie w zycie, ekgzekwowanie np. prawa
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enforcement, Law enforcement is always a matter of cost.
ostro krytykowac, mieszac z blotem
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lambaste (lambejst)
lajdak, lobuz
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rogue (rołg)
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naczelnik wiezienia
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prison warden
zastoj w gospodarce, kryzys ekonomiczny
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uchwalic projekt ustawy
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pass a bill, pass a resolution
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contraception, The pill is an effective method of contraception
rada (np. miejska, parafialna)
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council(kansyl), The city council decided to create a new park.
władze miasta
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municipality, I checked all this with the municipality.
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stock market
zgromadzenie, zbierac sie, jednoczyc sie
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rally, She attended an anti-government rally.
upadek (np. dynastii królewskiej, rządu)
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porawność polityczna
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political correctness
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a strike, The employees went on strike for higher wages.
porwanie, uprowadzenie
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handouts, benefits

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