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Domanda Risposta
rachunek za wodę
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a water bill
rachunek za prąd
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an electricity bill
opłacić rachunek za wodę
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to pay a water bill
kilka miesięcy później
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a few months later
przejąć coś np. czyjś dom
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to take over (sb's house)
Pokemon przejął nasz dom.
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Pokemon took over our house.
Pokemon przejmuje nasz dom.
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Pokemon is taking over our house.
najważniejsza osoba w firmie
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a kingpin*
importować coś
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to import sth
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wysyłać coś
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to ship sth
wysyłać coś do Stanów
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to ship sth to the US
Firma wysyła swoje towary do Japonii.
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The company ships its goods to Japan.
w całych Stanach Zjednoczonych
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all over the United States
remember to used THE with United States
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a month
wahać się od... do...
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to range between ... and...
The town's population ranged between 15 000 and 20 000. (NiV)
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on jest niesamowity
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he's awesome
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a franchise
to operate a business under franchise (NiV)
wszech czasów
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of all time
In my opinion he's the best singer of all time. (NiV)
prowadzić biznes
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to do a business
chyba że
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You can't really do this business unless you are a true fan of Pokemon.
oddany fan
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a true blue fan*
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a ring
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a wedding ring
wyryty / wygrawerowany
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nieprzemijający, trwający wiecznie
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a seller
I'm the largest independent seller of only Japanese Pokemon cards.
Gdybym był największym sprzedawcą Pokemonów, byłbym miliarderem.
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If I were the largest Pokemon seller, I'd be a billionaire.
do not say: If I was; "if I WERE" sounds much better
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a billion
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a billionaire
Na twoim miejscu, sprzedałbym ten rower.
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If I were you, I would sell this bike. (NiV)
If I were you, I'd sell this bike.

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