PNJA Phrasal verbs week 8 + 9

 0    20 schede    sandradomzalska2
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Domanda English Risposta English
run across
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meet or find by chance, stumble on
run behind
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be delayed
run down
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criticize// gradually stop functioning or allow sth to stop functioning
run out of
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exhaust the supply of sth
run up
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accumulate (bills, debts) = gromadzić
run up against
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encounter difficulties
see about/to
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make arrangements for sth, take care of (=zająć się), deal with
see out
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accompany sb to the exit
see through
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not be deceived// support sb in a difficult time
set aside
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save for a special purpose
set back
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hinder (= utrudniać) // cost
set up
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start a business
stand by
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remain loyal to sb // do nothing to stop a bad situation
stand out
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be much better
stand up for
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defend, support
take after
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look like a relative
take in
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deceive // understand
take off
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take off in inglese
leave the ground (relating to a plane// begin to succed
take over
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take control of sth
take to
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start liking // begin a habit

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